Monday 10 August 2009

Is That A Viper In Your Pocket...

...or are you just pleased to see me?
A boy of 14 was rushed to hospital after he was the victim of a 'racially-motivated' attack by a gang who attacked him - with snakes.

The teenager was bitten on the hand by a python after he was set upon by a group of male youths brandishing the reptiles, emergency services said.
Well, I suppose it's one way to get round the Dangerous Dogs Act...
The teenager was taken to Frenchay Hospital, Bristol for precautionary checks after being attended to by paramedics at 3.15pm.

Mr Howells added: 'Although the patient was suffering breathing difficulties after the attack, this was probably due to panic rather than a reaction to the bite.

'I would probably be panicky if that happened to me.'
Let's hope this doesn't start an arms race. We don't need any mongoose-smuggling in the UK...


  1. Mongoose? Poof is!

    Use Meercat, simples!

  2. Interesting - the BBC calls it racially motivated, but doesn't give the ethnicity of the attackers.

  3. [Said in my best cod Aussie accent] A snake? Nah, that's not a snake. This is a snake!

  4. "Use Meercat, simples!"


    "Interesting - the BBC calls it racially motivated, but doesn't give the ethnicity of the attackers."

    One news report said the victim was Afro-Caribbean but said nothing about the perpetrators...

    "A snake? Nah, that's not a snake. This is a snake!"


    Still, even the most deadly snake is basically 'single-shot'. If they can get round the gravity problem, these babies go full auto:

    "What's really amazing is how the stinging cells work. They're little tiny poison darts that are buried inside the flesh of each tentacle (like the sweat glands in your skin), along the entire length. They're triggered chemically, by contacting the surface of human skin or the scaly skin of a fish."

    When you absolutely, positively, got to sting every motherf****r in the room, accept no substitute....
