Monday 10 August 2009

New Olympic Sport: Selachimorpha Jumping…

Smirking Tit Sunny Hundal writes:
A PP reader points out there is another side to Liddle Rod which I hadn’t highlighted – his thinly veiled racism. He is already well known for muddling figures around immigration to support his agenda.
Well, if getting your sums wrong = ‘racism’, then most of the Treasury should be doing a bit of bird, shouldn’t they, Sunny?
In February this year he wrote this for the Sunday Times:

“Most middle-class parents would prefer not to spend £25,000 per child, per year, on private schooling. And they probably would not do so if the alternative was of a higher educational standard than the state school around the corner, the Mary Seacole City Academy for Advanced Textspeak and Stabbing.”
Quite amusing. Shades of ‘Only Fools And Horses’ use of ‘Nelson Mandela House’ to riff on pretentious lefty councils’ habit of naming public buildings after well-known and obscure black (or gay, or whatever) figures from history.

So what got Sunny’s panties in a bunch?
There is no Mary Seacole City Academy. But Mary Seacole is a well known and highly acclaimed British black figure, voted among the Greatest Black Britons. You can see what Liddle is doing here: the reference to Mary Seacole is a not-so-subtle way of associating black kids at school with knife crime and bad English.
Of course! Only one way to take that. It’s ‘teh racism! ZOMG!’

The fact that your average white kid at the type of inner city school that Rod’s talking about here would be just as incomprehensible is lost on Sunny.

Next, he’ll be ranting about black helicopters and fluoridation of the water supply….


  1. Sunni Shiite is a more appropriate title for this, oh so typical, smug and partly educated, dumb leftie idiot.

  2. The problem for the Sunny Hundals of this world is that the praise heaped incessantly on Mary Seacole only serves to highlight the dearth (outside entertainment and athletics) of contributions from blacks to this nation's intellectual and (in the widest sense) cultural history. The paucity of distinction shown in this list of the 100 greatest black Britons would be an embarrassment had it been submitted as representative of the best and the brightest of other ethnic minorities who have arrived and thrived here in the last 250 years.

    To the contrary this, largely mediocre, list of black celebrities would compare so unfavourably with a similar list of, for instance, the Irish, the Jews and the Huguenots and their descendants, I'm not surprised Hundal launched the usual lefty ad hominem diatribe at Liddell. Hundal hasn't got much to defend and attack, as always, is the best form of defence although I would have thought a discreet reticence would have been more sensible.

  3. 3 points to make.

    1. "Smirking Tit". Love it (maybe it's a coin toss between "Smirking" and "Preening" but "Smirking" takes it).

    2."You can see what Liddle is doing here: the reference to Mary Seacole is a not-so-subtle way of associating black kids at school with knife crime and bad English."

    I thought the association arose from the fact that all the stabbing was being done by black kids.

    3. My favourite "ignorant racism" event was when a black councillor objected to a white councillor's use of the term "black hole". You can see it here.

    and here

  4. "..this, oh so typical, smug and partly educated, dumb leftie idiot."

    He seems to have gone off the rails lately. The 'Guardian' don't seem to be putting up so many columns either...

    "The paucity of distinction shown in this list of the 100 greatest black Britons would be an embarrassment had it been submitted as representative of the best and the brightest of other ethnic minorities who have arrived and thrived here in the last 250 years."

    Yes, a commenter on the PP thread makes the same point, that Seacole is lauded far beyond her actual achievements that it's now noticable.

    "My favourite "ignorant racism" event was when a black councillor objected to a white councillor's use of the term "black hole"."

    Good lord! I thought the fuss over the use of the term 'niggardly' was bad...

  5. That list IS embarassing, if you black and you get a headline, you is on it....sheeee-it!

  6. Ah, the lesser smirking brown tit. There was one in the garden earlier. I did ring the RSPB to inquire, but they confirmed that the species is classified as a pest so I set the cat on it.

    I've been saying for some time that Sunny is losing it. The loyal Desi posse on PP try their best to gently contain his excesses, but it's clearly a losing battle.

  7. You've got to have it in the first place to lose it.

  8. Lee Jasper's one of the top 100 black Britons.
    They have no shame.

    Nor any Johnson Gideon Beharry, either, apparently.

    Funny, that.

  9. The eye of the beholder?
    A London councillor for the British National Party was facing calls to resign today over a car number plate that looks like the word "Nazi".
    Julian Leppert, an aide to BNP leader Nick Griffin, turned up for meetings of Redbridge council in his black Ford Focus with the registration NA51 ZCY.

    I had a look at the Govt DVLA website and put in NA51 ***
    It came back with one thousand matching reg. plates for sale...

  10. If he's upset about Liddle's crack about schools named after Mary Seacole He shouldn't see what Chris Rock says about the numerous "Martin Luther King boulevards" in the US.

  11. "The loyal Desi posse on PP try their best to gently contain his excesses, but it's clearly a losing battle."

    It's like watching an impending train wreck - decency says you should look away, but you keep staring in horrid fascination for the moment of impact...

    "Nor any Johnson Gideon Beharry, either, apparently.

    Funny, that."

    The wrong type of black man to honour, obviously...

    "A London councillor for the British National Party was facing calls to resign today over a car number plate that looks like the word "Nazi"."

    Shouldn't it be someone in the DVLA who gets the (jack)boot? I thought they had a unit set up to ensure that no registrations spelled out 'naughty' words?

  12. I read someone somewhere saying that any modern British schoolchild would be raised thinking that to all intents and purposes Florence Nightingale was Mary Seacole's charge nurse.

    There's a fine line the ethnomaniacs ride: how to explain the fact that fully a quarter of all the Nobel Prizes in non-trivial subjects have been won by Jews? How to explain that Japanese theoretical physicists were doing ground-breaking work while the threat of war and war itself fell about their ears? Inter alia, Eugene Wigner (Hungarian), Enrico Fermi (Italian), Mark Oliphant (Australian), George Kistiakowsky (Polish), and of course the second generation people like Glenn Seaborg (Swedish-American) and Seth Neddermayer (German-American), plus Britons such as Chadwick and blue-blood Americans such as Compton and Lawrence were all instrumental in bringing about the greatest efflorescence of theory made practise, namely the atomic bomb. It is undoubtedly true that no blacks worked at a significant level in the Manhattan Project. So, mutatis mutandis, had they been given the chance to shine, would they not have done so? Surely, no. But the fact remains that they were not given such a chance and seeking to elevate spurious exemplars of achievement to the higher ranks smacks of condescension. You can count the number of top-rank female mathematicians on the fingers of one hand of a careless bomb-disposal technician. Does this mean that women are less capable of mathematical thought at this level? Maybe. But what it certainly indicates is that, ability aside, women have not carried out mathematics at this level until very recently. When women are good, they are lauded (Marie Curie, Irène Joliot-Curie, Ida Noddack, Lise Meitner, Emmy Noether, Leona Marshall). Yes Meitner should have got a Nobel Prize, but that is far too capricious a standard to judge science by. Had there not been exterior societal barriers to the participation of WAEM (women and ethnic minorities) then there would undoubtedly be more laudable examples of such participation. But there were, and we are pursuing a fool's errand in pretending there were not.

    I have worked in academia at the research level. There is an aristocracy of talent. To the extent that racism and sexism intrude it is so that they can be rejected. You get by on merit. I am really, really clever, and it shames me not one bit to state that I was outclassed by any number of my colleagues. Their melatonin content or type of reproductive organs were utterly immaterial. This is now. That was then. To try to find female or black physicists in the 17th century is as idiotic as trying to find higher knowledge in the cretinous rantings of a Tanzanian witch-doctor in the 21st.
