Friday 21 August 2009

Newsflash, Spector: These People Are Just Like You…

He's only months into a 19-year murder sentence, but Phil Spector appears to have abandoned any efforts to make friends with the hardened criminals with whom he may very well have to spend the rest of his natural life.
Awww, diddums….
Spector said that lawyers were working to get him moved to "a better prison, with people more like myself in it, during the appeal process – instead of all these lowlife scumbags, gangsters and Manson types...
How frightful, having to be locked up with all those other murderers….


  1. Rumours abound of a typical Yankee business deal behind the scenes. O.J. wants to record 'If I did it' and Phil Problème de Coiffure wants to produce it - so the pair are sharing a Nevada cell for the big cut.

  2. He's a killer and he'll never ever be any good.

  3. I suppose if he were to be spat out of his present "residence" that would be a case of ex-Spector-ation…

  4. NNW

    :-) I got The Crystals reference even if no one else did!

  5. Always nice when a blog comment sets you to humming a tune... ;)

  6. TDK.

    ...and that's why I'm the Leader Of The Prat... ;-)
