Monday 17 August 2009

'Silly Season' Well Under Way...

An alleged big cat sighting in Crystal Palace has sparked concerns the community in south east London is being stalked by another “Beast of Sydenham”.
Hmmm, something tells me the police aren't taking this all that seriously.
A mass hunt for the beast by police armed with Taser guns took place...
Yup, thought so...


  1. To get the police to come out though they were told it was a smoker, not a "big cat".

  2. MeerKat on steroids, simples

  3. More overtime pay I expect :)

  4. Nah Sue, overtime will only embarrass chiefy. This is just the scenario to action Operation Neater. (Nuke entire area to eliminate risk'.)

  5. A puma, also known as a mountain lion or cougar can be coloured light brown to almost black.
    They usually avoid man and even in American nature parks where they are known to live, they manage to hide away.
    They could easily live in the woody leafy areas of Britain and would rarely be seen.They are solitary and have an 18 sq mile teritory
    There are stories that many were inported here as pets, but were released in the 1970s when a licence was required to keep them -and they could have bred.
    If ever I read a report of a black panther or a lion or other big cat, a puma is what I think they have seen.

  6. "A puma, also known as a mountain lion or cougar can be coloured light brown to almost black. "

    A darker coloured cat may well look 'black' to most casual observers, but a truly melanistic puma has never been reliably observed.

    Given that so many of the 'mystery cats' are described as black, it's a puzzle.

  7. "They could easily live in the woody leafy areas of Britain and would rarely be seen."

    But not, I suspect, in South London.
