Tuesday 11 August 2009

What’s Another £45 Million Down The Drain….?

I mean, pretty soon it’ll start to look like real money…
A multi-million pound scheme to steer young people away from extremism will focus mainly on threats from the far-right, the Government admitted yesterday.

Cohesion Minister Shahid Malik said the £45million-a-year “Prevent” strategy would also work in deprived white areas rather than concentrating on Muslim youths.
Oh, really?

And what ‘work’ are they going to do, I wonder?
Last night a former Government terror adviser warned ministers against going soft on Muslim extremists in the battle against home-grown terror plots.

Paul Richards said there was a risk of “backsliding” in efforts to stop British Muslims turning to extremism.

Mr Richards, who until June advised ministers on community cohesion, said white youths were not the main terror problem.
So it was no doubt fortuitous for the government that a group of white youths decided to have a ruck in Birmingham on Saturday.

Wasn’t it?
He added that there is also now a chance that ministers could invite the Muslim Council of Britain back into Whitehall after relations were frozen with the organisation earlier this year. Former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis accused ministers of a blatant bid to win favour among Muslim voters before the next election by playing up the far-right threat in the wake of the BNP’s rise.
I’m not entirely sure that would help them. I think the next election is already a foregone conclusion. There aren’t that many Muslims in the UK.
Mr Malik said that Prevent, which includes measures like helping mosques to spot the early signs of extremism in vulnerable youngsters, was too focused on the Muslim community.

He added: “You speak to any Muslim on the street anywhere in this country and they will say they are as opposed as you and I are to extremism, to terrorism.

“But the frustration is that they are constantly linked with terrorism as a community as a whole.”
By whom?

And how is he going to switch the ‘help mosques to spot early signs of radicalism’ plan to the deprived white community?
Scotland Yard has switched some officers to monitor a recent surge in suspected far-right plots.

But most have been the work of disturbed loners.
And they are notoriously hard to catch


  1. "Mr Richards, who until June advised ministers on community cohesion, said white youths were not the main terror problem."

    No ****! I seriously hope Cameron sorts out this rubbish next year, as anyone with a shred of common sense (which rules out most Labour ministers, admittedly) can see where the danger lies.

  2. It will be "Business as normal".

    NO "Government" is going to repeal the looney "P.C" regulations. Look what happened in Australia when the Government tried to return to a "no immigration" policy. They were called all the fascists under the sun. So came up with the "points system".

    For any Government to be able to do anything about this one way bias, the "descrimination laws" have to be stepped back, if not totaly repealed. The same as the "Youscum rights act".

    Will Cameron do that?

    Like bleeding BOLLOX he will.

    Von Brandenburg-Preußen.

  3. "I seriously hope Cameron sorts out this rubbish next year..."

    I hope so too, but I'm afraid it'll be more of a triumph of hope over experience...

    "For any Government to be able to do anything about this one way bias, the "descrimination laws" have to be stepped back, if not totaly repealed."

    Agreed. But I concur with you on the chances of Dave being the man for the job...

  4. "There aren’t that many Muslims in the UK."

    very true, but no need to allow the tail to keep wagging the dog

  5. "There aren’t that many Muslims in the UK."

    In an election, you count vote not people.

    Wonderful thing, postal voting...

  6. So there I was thinking that the suicide attacks on London were by followers of "the religion of peace" (of the Dead?) but the truth is apparently that they were members of the BNP in disguise! Given the hoohah over burquas I wonder how long you would last if your head-to-toe garment were WHITE cotton and not Black? (Equal Rites Grand Master...) These people are long overdue for a promotion to a higher position (I suggest a scaffold).
