Tuesday, 4 August 2009


Condoms can "interfere" with the mental health benefits of having sex, a psychologist at a Scottish university has claimed.
His findings were based on a survey of 111 Portuguese men and 99 women, who were asked questions about their sex lives and their state of mind.

The results suggested that using condoms negates the mental health benefits of what Prof Brody termed "evolutionarily relevant sex".
I think Prof Brody's is on too tight. It's stopping the blood flowing back to his brain...
Those who used them were more likely to suffer from depression, suicidal tendencies and be emotionally immature. The results were the same regardless of whether a person was in a stable relationship or not.
Oh, I can't wait for the safe sex bunch to start laying into him the way the 'breast is best' crowd did to that poor sod who dared to raise his head above the parapet a few weeks ago...

But it seems he has form in the 'mad idea bound to stir up a hornet's nest' field:
This is not the first time that Prof Brody's research has proved controversial.

In 2007 a study claiming straight sexual intercourse was the only type that improves "psychological and physiological function" was attacked by gay rights groups. Peter Tatchell accused him of promoting an "unscientific and extreme" agenda, that "flatly contradicted" a previous study by sex researchers William Masters and Virginia Johnson.
Whatever else he may be, he's a brave man...


  1. Julia,

    You have surpassed your normal high level of humour with the title and content of this post!"

  2. Peter Tatchell accused him of promoting an "unscientific and extreme" agenda.

    He would say that..............

    Yet if you consider how Labour have so buggered the UK...........

  3. This guy is a "full professor" at the "University of the West of Scotland": not an academic institution (it traces its history back to a moderately well-regarded college of technology) nor, indeed, an academic in the sense of being able to tell us something non-trivial about the world we inhabit. He's just a jobbing nonentity with more time on his hands (and taxpayers' money at his disposal) than is good for him - or us.

  4. What some of these "medical" people will come up with to justify their grants!

    What he really means is, men don´t like sex with condoms!

  5. "You have surpassed your normal high level of humour with the title and content of this post!"


    "He would say that.."


    "...not an academic institution (it traces its history back to a moderately well-regarded college of technology)..."

    Which once upon a time produced more useful degrees, no doubt.

    "What he really means is, men don´t like sex with condoms!"

    Quite. Most men don't get a grant to 'research' it though!
