Monday 19 October 2009

It's Not Somalia...'s Gor!
Residents said gunmen had been rounding up any woman seen with a firm bust and then had them publicly whipped by masked men.


  1. In Soho, some folks would pay good money for that!

  2. Ye Gods, please don't tell me you've ever read the Gor-bage novels.

    The author (a philosophy professor) wrote them as a spoof and then found that people were daft enough to pay him to write more.

  3. "In Soho, some folks would pay good money for that!"


    "Ye Gods, please don't tell me you've ever read the Gor-bage novels."

    Yup. All of them, some of them (the first couple) several times. Think he's written one that he hasn't been able to get published recently though, because the feminist harridens totally didn't see the funny side.

    How unusual... ;)

    "The author (a philosophy professor) wrote them as a spoof and then found that people were daft enough to pay him to write more."

    Actually, the first five or six are pretty decent sci-fi sandals-n-swords potboilers, with a dash of kinky slave girl bondage thrown in. There's romance (doomed, naturally), adventure and that thing without which no book is ever worth reading - humour.

    They'd make quite cinematic films too, being mostly cliche - the amusing thing was always to see how he'd try to include all Earth tribes and cultures in each successive novel.

    Sadly, after number six or so, the situation was reversed, and it was kinky slave girl bondage all the way, with the occasional 'Oh, blimey, I'm supposed to be writing sci-fi' flashes.


  4. Residents said gunmen had been rounding up any woman seen with a firm bust and then had them publicly whipped by masked men. The women were then told to remove their bras and shake their breasts.

    The flagellation is not my cup of tea, but the mental image of firm breasted dusky maidens shaking their 'wares' is a compelling one.
    Do you think Easyjet goes there?
