Monday 26 October 2009

Put Out An APB On Van Helsing, Sarge…

Australian police have posted a $1m (pounds 490,000) reward for a man who is believed to have organised the murder of a self-proclaimed vampire.
Can you kill that which has no life?
At the time of his death, Chartres-Abbott was on trial for allegedly raping a client and biting off part of her tongue.

He also allegedly told the woman, a former girlfriend of Mr Perry's, that he was a centuries-old vampire who drank blood to survive.
I guess she wasn’t convinced…


  1. What a pleasant bunch of people. They really deserve each other!

  2. It's nice to see that even raving, violent loons can find each other, isn't it? ;)

  3. Yeah but they're not all bad, some are really making an effort to fit in with mainstream society according to that documentary series that was on FX a while ago! There's always going to be bad apples!
