Thursday 29 October 2009

Storm, Meet Teacup...

A Buckinghamshire hospital has begun an investigation after a woman about to give birth allegedly objected to non-white staff being in the delivery room.
An investigation? What for?

We aren't told - at least, not in the Beeb report:
"A specific request was made, but due to patient confidentiality, we cannot go into detail," a hospital spokeswoman said.

"At present we can say that the baby was not delivered by an all-white team of staff and the mother and baby were not cared for by an all-white team.

"We did not change medical rotas."
So, why the fuss? Woman in labour makes request, request turned down, mother and baby well.

No problem, right?

Navrita Atwal, of Milton Keynes Equality Council, said: "I'm absolutely surprised by the circumstances of this case.

"What if there had not been a white doctor available? What would have happened then?

"I think the hospital staff should go through relevant training about how to think on their feet when this situation arises."
Sorry? Where's the evidence that they didn't think on their feet then?

And what sort of 'relevant training' do you think they should all have, Navrita? The sort that keeps race-baiting grievance mongers like you in a job with the local council, perhaps?

Ah, but if we turn to the 'Mail', a quite different picture emerges: insider said: ‘The mother objected to one type of ethnic minority members of staff being there.
One type, eh? Not all of them?

And the mystery deepens:
...But the Equality and Human Rights Commission has written to the hospital after receiving a complaint from a member of staff.

According to some reports, a consultant agreed to the mother-to-be’s demands.
If a senior member of staff asked an employee to leave the delivery room then he or she and the hospital could face civil action at an employment tribunal on the grounds of discrimination.

The mother could also face action in a county court. Unlimited compensation could be awarded in both cases.
Follow the money. Always follow the money...

Now, without the spectre of 'unlimited compensation', would even the mention of Teh Eeeevul Racism be more than a storm in a teacup here?

I bet it wouldn't...


  1. The PC brigade will have multiple versions of the news to suit themselves before the end of the day.

    My simplistic view is that during the immense stress of childbirth, I afford a mother-to-be, anything she wants. This includes any particular preference for attendees by reason of sex/colour/age/religion.

    Yet I would never go as far as crediting our Equal Rights Army (include CPS here) with commonsense in addition to great power and influence.

    Green speckled ice cream with pink wafers? - coming up right away, darling.

  2. I see.

    So when we are promised 'choice' in our healthcare, we only actually get choice if we choose the politically correct choice.

    Brian, follower of Deornoth

  3. So. Where were the "investigations" when a member of a certain "culture" refused to shake hands with her own Chief Constable at the police training passing out parade?

    Or when members of self same "culture" refuse to be treated by WHITE (male) doctors?

    Or when it is found that members of the medical proffesssion from the SAME culture, do NOT wask their hands and arms as prescrcribed by the NHS?

    Given the LAST one, I agree TOTALY with this Womans request.

    It could NOT be more apt at this time, when we are all supossed to be going to die from pig flu if people DO NOT WASH THEIR HANDS PROPERLY!

  4. If she'd been a Muslim they'd have done it instantly.

  5. "My simplistic view is that during the immense stress of childbirth, I afford a mother-to-be, anything she wants."

    Absolutely! Whast happened to the patient's needs being foremost?

    "I see.

    So when we are promised 'choice' in our healthcare, we only actually get choice if we choose the politically correct choice."

    Yup. A twisted inversion of the Henry Ford customer 'service' ethos...

    "Where were the "investigations" when a member of a certain "culture" refused to shake hands with her own Chief Constable at the police training passing out parade?"

    That's different, obviously. And we are not supposed to question why...

    "If she'd been a Muslim they'd have done it instantly."

    If she'd requested a woman-only team, you know, I bet they would. How is that any better?

  6. "Where were the "investigations" when a member of a certain "culture" refused to shake hands with her own Chief Constable at the police training passing out parade?"

    That's different, obviously. And we are not supposed to question why...

    This is why I say that the hese laws aimed at "protecting minorities" are MORE "racist" than if we did NOT have them. Or more to the point, they are so administered.

    What they are in fact saying, is that "Darky can not take the strain therfore needs protecting. Us WHITES however are big and sensible enough to take it on the chin and act like Englishmen".

    Therefore we get a situation where white man is not EXPECTED to complain, whereas "darky" is, because he is somehow emotionaly and mentaly vulnerable.

    NOTE that MOST of these complaints appear NOT to come from those supossedly effected by the "discrimination" but from people who have "HEARD/SEEN the offensive event".

  7. I won't comment on my personal opinion, but maybe this bit of trivia is interesting to some: in my state, New Mexico (US), illegal workplace discrimination is not only forbidden to coworkers/supervisors, but also clients, business partners, and customers. Okay, this is based on my own memory of training about ten years ago, so I may have it a bit off, but maybe it's similar there?
