Monday 19 October 2009

That Law Of Unintended Consequences Bites Again...

Al Jahom points out that a certain clown must be possessed of mystic powers:
Airport security chiefs have been banned from subjecting children to a controversial new X-ray scanner that produces ‘naked’ pictures of passengers because of legal warnings the images may break child pornography laws.
You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh, wouldn't you?

And in case that wasn't bad enough:
Airport bosses had originally intended to allow children to be scanned during the 12-month trial if their parents gave consent.

But they changed their minds after they were approached by the civil rights group Action on Rights for Children, which has campaigned against the use of body scanners on children.

The group argues the machines are disproportionately intrusive and remove a child’s right to dignity, particularly given that many youngsters are sensitive about their bodies.
More pandering to children's 'rights' above those of adults...


  1. Forecast: tomorrow it will be announced that women will not be scanned. the day after tomorrow it will be announced that Muslims will not be scanned. By the end of the week the only people to be scanned will be white Caucasian male heterosexual adults.

  2. I have to say that anyone who finds the images remotely erotic must have some strange fetishes, possibly involving looking at pictures of the Ghostbusters marshmallow man in poor light while off their dial on vodka and prescription medicines. Still, it's intrusive and yet another reason not to (a) go back to Britain, which isn't really there anymore anyway, and (b) fly there. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Calais is close enough for me, and if the urge to cross that last bit of water is overwhelming I'll get the train.

  3. Well I did ask on Old Holborn's blog whether the Xray machine operators would ahve to be CRB checked.

  4. I should have thought that the fact of children being exempt from body scans makes it a tad more likely that certain parties use them as bomb carriers.

  5. TDK sums it up wonder when the first child bomb will go bang.

  6. "By the end of the week the only people to be scanned will be white Caucasian male heterosexual adults."

    And we all know they are the ones responsible for all the bombing..

    "I have to say that anyone who finds the images remotely erotic must have some strange fetishes..."

    Since acquiring internet access, I've learned not to speculate on just what trips peoples triggers anymore!

    "...makes it a tad more likely that certain parties use them as bomb carriers."

    They've already done it abroad, after all...
