Sunday 11 October 2009

This Says It All...

..about the EDL/UAF Away Match in Manchester yesterday:
The sight of a Union flag angered supporters of the UAF, prompting a large number of protesters to go in search of its holder.
Prevailing wisdom is that they are all as bad as each other.

I'm not so sure...


  1. Why a union flag though? EDL = English Defence League = Flag of St George you would have thought.

    Mind you, there's the usual MSM foggy blanket reporting going on, there are very few actual witness reports, just the usual clichés. the BBC did report though that "At one point, earlier on, when it became extremely tense, members of the UAF tried to break the police line between the two groups, which in turn angered the EDL members."

    And I don't get the EDL right wing thing at all, they're just a single issue protest group with no economic policy with white and coloured members. Doesn't strike me as right wing at all, but then neither do the BNP.

  2. Quiet_Man, the EDL are a group of football firms, and a number of those these firms do have links to the BNP and C18.

    I've said before, you don't shoot messenger because you don't like the message, equally you don't laud them because you do like it.

    They're a nasty bunch, that they happen to have a point shouldn't detract from that.

    The media does need to be condemned for its bias though, you'd think the EDF were the only nasty bunch. Some of the reports I got from Brum displayed the asians as the more violent group, with gangs of them balaclava'd up and armed practically running riot in some areas.

    It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better though :(

  3. Similar sentence in The Telegraph

    The sight of a Union flag inflamed supporters of the UAF, causing large numbers of protesters to go in search of the culprit.

    hmmm, why should they be 'inflamed' at the sight of a Union flag?

    and why is the holder described as a culprit when according to my dictionary a culprit is is one accused of a crime. The term is used, generally, of one guilty of an offence.

    Or has a law been passed that displaying the Union flag is now illegal

  4. A line of police officers, dogs

    THAT is no way to talk about women in police uniform, even when it is 99% true.

    What ever happened to "P.C"?

  5. "Why a union flag though? EDL = English Defence League = Flag of St George you would have thought."

    Because they know it'll inflame the other lot? After all, what the core marchers want is a ruck.

    "It's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better though :("

    I'm afraid it is too...

    "and why is the holder described as a culprit when according to my dictionary a culprit is is one accused of a crime. The term is used, generally, of one guilty of an offence.

    Or has a law been passed that displaying the Union flag is now illegal"

    Good spot! Very revealing.

    "A line of police officers, dogs

    THAT is no way to talk about women in police uniform, even when it is 99% true."


    Actually, I'm surprised about the dogs, given the number of Muslims about on these things...
