Tuesday, 3 November 2009

'Blue On Blue' Incident...

..or perhaps that should be, 'Green on Blue'..?
Scotland Yard has been accused of ignorance about climate change after urging people to deter burglars by leaving lights on when they are out.
Because who cares about your house getting burgled when the fate of the world is at stake!!!!

Who is raising this nonsense, anyway?
Jenny Jones, the former Deputy Mayor of London, said she would raise the issue with Sir Paul Stephenson, the Met Commissioner, next week claiming neither the Yard nor Boris Johnson, the Conservative Mayor, understood global warming.
Sure they do. They understand it's total (non-Ed) balls, Jenny.

Not that you're going to let that stop you turning the hyperbole dial all the way up to 11:
She said: "The Met simply does not get Climate change, and neither does the Mayor of London. They need a basic education in these issues before we all drown in our beds.

"I would encourage people not to leave their lights on, and rather to invest in proper insulation and lock systems."
Not sure how 'proper insulation' keeps out burglars. But then, you don't give a stuff about that, do you, Jenny?

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