Sunday 29 November 2009

A Christmas Present For Baroness Scotland...

Attorney General Baroness Scotland could be ordered to appear in court if her former housekeeper stands trial on fraud and immigration offences next month.

Loloahi Tapui, 27, from Tonga, who was charged on Friday, says she will instruct her legal team to bring Baroness Scotland forward as a witness if the Crown Prosecution Service does not.
A legal expert said: ‘Ms Tapui would be perfectly entitled to call Baroness Scotland as a witness for the defence.

‘If Lady Scotland refused to attend, she would have to provide a statement to the judge detailing why her evidence would not be suitable, although I cannot imagine why that would be the case.’

A spokesman for the CPS said there was ‘currently no witness list’ for the case.
How does she plan to get out of this one, I wonder..?


  1. So what are the odds that Baroness Scotland and Harriet Harman will be cellmates by this time next year?

  2. That sounds like the tagline to a DVD that Mr Jacqui Smith would find strangely appealing...

  3. If memory serves, Ms Tapui is being represented (in respect of media relations rather than the law)by Max Clifford who is not a man to take up the cudgels where the story and the promise of emolument are weak.

    I am hopeful that considerable fun is in store without having to resort to the kind of loucheness that our hostess -what an imagination she has!- kittenishly references.

  4. Maybe they've nailed her at last.

  5. It would be nice to see one of the political classes finally get what's coming to them in the legal sense. But (sadly) I'm not going to hold my breath on it.

  6. The Baroness will have no option but to buy Ms Tapui's silence

  7. JuliaM, I believe that Mr Jacqui Smith's tastes run more towards Baron Scotland and Harry Harman sharing a prison based fantasy than the one you describe.

    Although yours would be more of a horror flick...ugh!

  8. Won't happen but I'd like to see 'baroness' Scotland done for conspiracy on the grounds that she must have Conspired with Ms Tapui to ignore her work permit status. There is no sentencing limit for conspiracy.

  9. "...Max Clifford who is not a man to take up the cudgels where the story and the promise of emolument are weak."

    Indeed! *gets the popcorn in*

    "The Baroness will have no option but to buy Ms Tapui's silence"

    I think you are right. Well, we'll see...

    "I believe that Mr Jacqui Smith's tastes run more towards Baron Scotland and Harry Harman sharing a prison based fantasy than the one you describe."


    "There is no sentencing limit for conspiracy."

    They'll find one, or invent one, if it comes to that...
