Friday 27 November 2009

Don’t You Know There’s A Recession On?

A union has warned a council it is alienating staff, after it became the only one in Essex to impose a pay freeze this year.
Well, it might be ‘alienating staff’, but I bet the council tax payers are pretty happy!

But don’t shed bitter tears of despair for the poor destitute council staff just yet:
Senior officers, who promised to review staff pay and working hours, are due to present their suggestions to the finance and corporate services committee tomorrow.

Among them are closing the council offices in the afternoon on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, giving staff an extra day off, a 1 per cent cost of living allowance increase and backdating any agreed pay rise.
Because none of those cost money (at least, not out of the pay budget anyway).

Or would inconvenience the public who pay these people’s wages.

A spokesman for Unison said: “This makes Maldon Council fall out of step with other local authorities in Essex in terms of salaries, leading to problems with recruitment and retention of staff.

“This will also have a knock-on effect in terms of the economic prosperity of the Maldon district, which has already suffered over the years, as the local population will look outside of the district for employment.”
So? Let ‘em go then.

If we're in a recession, there will be plenty of people willing to take their jobs, won't there?

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