Friday 13 November 2009

In Case You Wondered Why We Are In The State We Are In...

A children’s Sea Cadets marching band have vowed not to play at this year’s Christmas lights parade after members were run over by a joyrider last year.
Odd. I must have missed this story last time around.
Louis Browning, 21, was drunk and high on drugs when he ploughed into Sea Cadets band TS Endeavour at a Christmas lights ceremony in New Addington last November.

He had just been released from a four-month prison sentence when he drove into the crowd in a stolen car, knocking over band members 13-year-old Bradley Humphrey and Taylor Jenner, who was nine when the accident happened.

He also ran into a police officer, PC Keith Gray, who bravely attempted to stop the car by smashing in the windscreen with his baton.

PC Gray’s spine was crushed in the accident and he was not able to work.
And what did he get for this?

Hold onto your socks:
Despite receiving a sentence of just 20 months in prison...
...the prolific offender, who has had 30 prior convictions from 33 offences, absconded from prison on July 16.

He enjoyed almost two months of freedom before he was found and arrested on September 8.

He appeared at Croydon Crown Court on September 18 to be sent back to prison to serve the remainder of his sentence.

He was given a further sentence of just seven days to be served concurrently.
British 'justice', folks. Give it a round of applause...


  1. Now keeping the sentence given to that scumbag in mind, read this:

  2. It's stuff like this that has them fulminating over on Insp. Gadget's blog quite understandably.

    The thing that worries me just as much, though, is that the coppers don't rail at the kind of story that Costello is referencing.

    Two sides of the same coin in my book.

  3. "Now keeping the sentence given to that scumbag in mind, read this.."

    Indeed, that was appalling. And totally imcomprehensible, at first.

    But Pavlov's Cat may be onto the real reason for this.

    "It's stuff like this that has them fulminating over on Insp. Gadget's blog quite understandably.

    The thing that worries me just as much, though, is that the coppers don't rail at the kind of story that Costello is referencing."

    No, it's odd, isn't it..? ;)
