Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Maybe I Won't Start Tweeting On My New iPhone After All... clearly does terrible things to your brain:
A woman who used Twitter to announce she was having a miscarriage during a board meeting has sparked an outcry.

Career guru Penelope Trunk posted the message in which she also explained she was relieved about the miscarriage, because it meant she would not have to go through an abortion.

It read: ‘I’m in a board meeting. Having a miscarriage. Thank goodness, because there’s a f***ed-up 3-week hoop-jump to have an abortion in Wisconsin.’
Words fail me...
The 42-year-old has since responded to the outrage by telling Grazia magazine: ‘It’s no different to me saying what I had for lunch. I thought nothing of it until the horrified followers’ replies started flooding in.’
Oh, I think it's a little different, Penelope...

Now, I'm usually all in favour of new technology and the opportunities it affords us, but this example? *shakes head*


  1. Think of it in a positive way.

    Womon does something stupid, and a majority of people tell her "your an idiot".

  2. I used to follow PenelopeTrunk on Twitter. The term "sexually liberated" is an understatement.

  3. "Think of it in a positive way.

    Womon does something stupid, and a majority of people tell her "your an idiot"."

    There is always a silver lining, if you look hard enough! :)

    "The term "sexually liberated" is an understatement."

    It would pretty much have to be..!

  4. Nah, she'll make a great mother... :)

    Once we ban abortion, we will see feminist banshees turn into loving angels, honest.
