The most common complaint against David Cameron is unfair and untrue. Critics keep charging that he has no policies – but in truth, now he has dropped his early attempt at kum-bay-ya Conservatism, Cameron is offering a fairly detailed prospectus. Unfortunately, it is of policies that will harm Britain.I wasn’t aware that Call-Me-Dave had actually dropped the soft Conservatism, but no matter…
Yes, New Labour has often been dire – but the people who say nothing could be worse are learning the hard way that it ain't so. Poring through Cameron's policy documents, I could find only one instance where there would be a clear improvement: he would not build a new terminal at Heathrow. He deserves credit for that.He deserves credit for supporting something you support? Fancy!
It is hard to escape the conclusion that Cameron and George Osborne can adopt policies that are so harmful towards ordinary people and the poor because they have never really known any. Barely a week passes without Osborne making a slip showing he is surreally out of touch.Unfortunately for chubby-chops, just as he was penning his opus, a NuLab Minister was about to reclaim the ‘Out of Touch’ crown in spectacular fashion:
Women will be put off standing for Parliament unless they can hire a cleaner on their expenses, a female minister claimed yesterday.Nice one, Helen!
The warning by Work and Pensions Minister Helen Goodman follows a call this week to ban cleaning expenses by Parliamentary sleaze watchdog Sir Christopher Kelly.
Miss Goodman, who earns £96,167, suggested this and other measures in the Kelly crackdown on MPs' expenses was sexist because women usually did the family cleaning.
That’ll advance the cause of women in politics, won’t it?
Perhaps Cameron realises that "global warming" is a contentious subject and really not the first concern of people that have just lost their jobs and can't pay their mortgages.
ReplyDeleteDo you know, I work 10 - 12 hours a day. My tiny little flat is a sh*t pit, basically because I work an average 70 hours a week just trying to survive. I'm not on an MP's salary and when my other half comes home from the UK (he works similar hours), we both don't want to spend it doing housework. I can't afford a cleaner, I try to clean as I go along. I cannot claim a cleaner on expenses...
Perhaps Ms Goodman should move out of her luxury accommodation into something more appropriate and easier to keep tidy. The woman is the same age as me so obviously does not have little ones to take care of. It's just her and her husband (who is probably also raking it in)...
Ms Goodman, come and live my life for a month, you might get an insight into reality!
Nice one, dear ladies. I adore you and find it hard if you waste your talents on chores.
ReplyDeleteI'm a cracking window and bog cleaner!
Jeez, I'd love to be on £96k per year, I doubt I'd not be able to afford a cleaner either, not that I need one having a rather lovely lady (who doesn't work) who looks after that side of things for me. Whilst I don't work anywhere near as many hours as Sue, I appreciate the value of my salary far more than this troughing MP and know how to get value for money with it.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the Work and Pensions Minister Helen Goodman should get out and try a real life on an average wage before coming out with such guff.
Ah yes, but does said MP lady insist that she'd get a male cleaner (or indeed transgender cleaner)? Otherwise the whole f***ing thing doesn't make sense.
ReplyDeleteFYI, the Tories will be even worse than Labour, get used to it.
WV: amenear
Cameron and George Osborne can adopt policies that are so harmful towards ordinary people and the poor because they have never really known any.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is only one of the reasons why I think things will be no better.
There is a need to clear the augean stables, fire works
wv; prefable theres an 'er' missing
How much does a cleaning lady cost? My parents have one and they're definitely not on anything like an MP's income.
ReplyDeleteI pay mine 60 quid a month but that's good wages here. Unless you're congenitally slobby a few hours a week is all it takes to keep the place shipshape.