Monday, 2 November 2009

"Rebecca shook her head in disgust when she heard about this and is trying to put it behind her..." letting her agent demand censorship by the BBC in the 'Daily Fail':
Rob Woodhouse, the swimmer's agent, said she was deeply hurt by the jibes and frustrated that Boyle's punishment seems to have had little impact on him.

'Frankie Boyle has made it very clear that he doesn't care what the BBC Trust say or do,' said Mr Woodhouse.

'Essentially, he was given a slap on the wrist and there are no real implications for him. For a comedian or any sort of performer, the media is their promotional vehicle.

'If the BBC chose to remove the oxygen of publicity and stopped him from appearing in their shows, then maybe that could act as a deterrent.'
And what did he say? What ghastly, unmentionable sexist/disablist/racist/ageist/(insert here)ist thing did he say?
Boyle's remarks were included in a programme broadcast soon after Adlington won two gold medals in Beijing last year.

'The thing that nobody really said about Rebecca Adlington is that she looks really weird,' he said. 'She looks like someone who's looking at themselves in the back of a spoon.'

He also unfavourably compared her appearance with that of her boyfriend, adding: 'From that I have deduced that Rebecca Adlington is very dirty.'
Grow up, sweetie. Fire your agent. Not all publicity is good publicity. They lied to you about that...

Or, as Dick Puddlecote suggests, try responding in kind:
"Instead of reaching for the hankies, how about responding with, "My arse, your face, Boyle"."

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