Monday, 2 November 2009

Yeah, It Would Have To Be Japan...

A 10-ton fishing boat has been sunk by gigantic jellyfish off eastern Japan.
Yeah, that's 'jellyfish' plural.

No need to call Matthew Broderick and Jean Reno just yet...


  1. Exactly my first thought. That is just so Japanese.

    My second was that the Telegraph didn't attempt to attribute the attack of the giant killer jellfish to global warming.

  2. Nice one. But I'll stick to attacks by cows and similar animals, that's scary enough.

  3. "...the Telegraph didn't attempt to attribute the attack of the giant killer jellfish to global warming."

    No, odd that. Perhaps they realised the jig is up, finally?

    "...I'll stick to attacks by cows and similar animals, that's scary enough."

    Not to mention a lot more likely in the UK.
