Thursday 31 December 2009

Another Slap In The Face...

Seen mentioned by a commenter at Inspector Gadget's botty concealment thread (an amusing read, up until then):
The senior Metropolitan Police officer who led the operation that ended with the death of Jean Charles de Menezes in south London has been honoured.

Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick was awarded a Queen's Police Medal for distinguished service.
That's almost as big a two-fingered salute to the British public as the news that, once again, there's nothing for Bruce Forsythe...


  1. There is not one serving or former colleugue that I know who feels that the De Menezes matter was a disgrace. Anything that anyone says about the death of this young man will be totally inadequate. There were severe failings from the start of this operation and so many questions relating to the personnel deployed right through to the overall control. Dick was that person on the day. The GOLD commander - She'd done the courses, got the kudos but she didn't have to do it and in the end she was found wanting. Since then she has been promoted and now been given a QPM. These honours were already meaningless as they are doled out without much thought thought. As an ACPO officer you are virtually guaranteed one and it is only recently that 'junior' ranks have been awarded them but that Dick has been given one AND accepted it shows the contempt people like her hold the rest of us and their colleagues in. She probably beleives she isn't guilty of anything. What a fucking disgrace! One minute they're banging on about being citizens and then are only too happy to be a subject.

  2. Any new regime will reverse this disgrace. There is no place for the likes of Cmdr Dick or Gadget in a deloused UK police service.

    It would not even suit justice to permit the most shameful members of the present gang, to escape on the asteroid rocket featured in your following post.

  3. @ranter: There is not one serving or former colleugue that I know who feels that the De Menezes matter was a disgrace.

    I'm assuming that you've made a typo and meant to say "wasn't a disgrace"..?

    As for "Our Brucie" being "overlooked" once again, I wonder if he's been offered honours but declined them - they're not compulsary after all.

  4. "...that Dick has been given one AND accepted it shows the contempt people like her hold the rest of us and their colleagues in. She probably beleives she isn't guilty of anything."


    "As for "Our Brucie" being "overlooked" once again, I wonder if he's been offered honours but declined them - they're not compulsary after all."

    That's a possibility I hadn't considered, I must say.

  5. Ranter, I am sure, is right in every respect.

    What I recall from the newspaper and official reports of this affair is panic-stricken incompetence, which killed an innocent man.
