Tuesday 22 December 2009

Dyslexic, But Want To Work At A Major Newspaper?

No problem! The 'Telegraph' is the paper for you...

Good grief...


  1. Bugger! I normally spot those!! There's been more than a few recently ........

  2. Too much eggnog at the Web Team Christmas party, I expect.

    It's going to be fun on New Year's Eve spotting all the howlers, isn't it? ;)

  3. Too much of this sloppiness around. The BBC website is full of spelling errors. Ejakayshun! edjgycashun! edjamkation! Huray 4 britan.

  4. This one from yesterday made me laugh...

  5. "Too much of this sloppiness around. The BBC website is full of spelling errors."

    Indeed. It's as if no-one can be bothered anymore...

    "This one from yesterday made me laugh..."

    Ah, yes! That was doing the rounds on Twitter.

    The police reaction was just bizarre:"Police say they are treating it as sexual assault."


  6. It's almost as if they have been employing sub editors from the gruniad...

  7. There do seem to be more mistakes these days. No doubt a consequence of the transformation of news into 21st century (ooh!) digital product (ahh!), available in an instant, 24/7.

    But they don't make me laugh so much as fume. My gf's an English graduate with language skills to die for and she can't even get a job at a local paper, nor at a library, nor at a university. When I see grammatical or factual errors in print (or incompetence or bad service in customer-facing roles) my blood boils.


  8. You forgot the song!


  9. "But they don't make me laugh so much as fume. My gf's an English graduate with language skills to die for and she can't even get a job at a local paper, nor at a library, nor at a university."

    Yes, that must be particularly galling.

    "You forgot the song!"

    ROFL! There's a blast from the past... ;)

  10. Someone from The Times editorial team told me that the reason there are so many mistakes in the DT these days is that their editing has been subbed out to South Africa.
    Dunno if that is true but it might explain it.
