Monday, 7 December 2009

Gordoom Applies Kiss Of Death... 'man made global warming' by providing an article in favour of Copenhagen to CiF.

Commenters fall all over themselves to rip him a new one. How long before the mods step in to spoil the fun, I wonder?


  1. Could not be bothered to read his stuff but as you say, the comments are a dream.
    Here is a sample from one who appears to be turning

    "am I the only one who is starting to get twitchy about this whole climate change issue?

    Having read Monbiot's rant against "thuggish, petro-state" canada today, and somebody else telling us to watch the time we spend on the internet, the whole movement has taken on the hue of extremist zealotry.

    It seems the control freaks are out, looking for new ways to promote themselves and tell the rest of us how to live our lives....lecturing, hectoring and patronizing rather than having a calm, rational debate about the science. "

  2. Favourite comment so far for me comes from RapidEddie 6 Dec 2009, 10:27PM

    I'd take the whole thing a sight more serious if all the people - the politicians, the scientists and the environmentalists - weren't all constantly flying around the world to stay in big five-star hotels and attend giant conferences in order to talk about how we must stop flying around with world, live in small efficient homes and video-conference rather than travel to work meetings.

    Have any of them even the slightest inkling of how incongruous it all looks? It's like fucking for chastity.

  3. "Copenhagen is poised to achieve a profound historical transformation: reversing the road we have travelled for 200 years."

    It's called post-industrial revolution civilization. That's what the ecomentalists want to stop.

  4. Yes, sometimes the commenters at CiF restore my faith in humanity...

  5. I think it is bloody GREAT that he is suporting this.... whatever it is in Copenhagen, becvause as we all know, EVERYTHING he suports is a COMPLETE failure.

    Perhaps he is really on our side, but working in "deep cover"?
