Tuesday 15 December 2009

Hell Hath No Fury…

A council worker stole a dead person's blue disabled driver badge before using it to park for free.

Choudhury Mohammed Shahran used his position in the council's customer services department at the ‘black box’ to steal the disabled parking permit when it was returned after the owner died.
Which is pretty low when you think about it…
He was caught out after the council received an anonymous tip-off in November 2008 and launched an investigation.
An anonymous tip-off, eh..?
This week he pleaded guilty to possession of a disabled permit in connection with fraud and fraud by way of false representation at Rochdale Magistrates Court.

He was given 240 hours community service and ordered to pay £400 costs.
I’d prefer horsewhipping, but I suppose this is the best we can hope for in 2009.
He resigned from the council in January and is now thought to be working in an Indian restaurant while training to be a driving instructor.
A pity he was allowed to resign. But probably cheaper and less hassle than sacking him.

But who was the mysterious anonymous caller?
Speaking after the court case he said: "I had used my father-in-law's badge to get out of a parking ticket .
"I took my wife's advice at the time and she said it was OK, don't worry about it. "
Oh. I think I can see the punch line coming…
"After our marriage broke down she reported it. "
Well, at least she didn’t set about you with a gold club!

Some might say you got off lightly there….


  1. My Grandfather was helping me out financially when he gave me this advice:
    "You can no more trust a woman with the truth than you can trust her your wallet".
    Sorry, Grandpa.

  2. Choudhury Mohammed Shahran

    Is there not something terribly...REGULAR about crime these days. Something you couls ALMOST bet your shirt on?

    Now I can not quite put my finger on what it is, but...

  3. Council worker.


    Two words.

    Are they a collocation or an oxymoron?

  4. Actually, they're three words but let's not stand on rectitude.

  5. He'll have a bit of a disappointment with his CRB checks to become a driving instructor...

  6. ...meant to add - fraud is one of the big no-noes for that particular profession.

  7. Press very quiet on this one, Laban


    I wonder why?

  8. Sorry, Julia, wrong blogger - take it as a compliment!

  9. dr cromarty said...

    Press very quiet on this one, Laban


    Adil Hussain
    Saeed Hussain
    Shaizaad Hussain
    Mohsin Khan
    Zafran Ramzan
    Razwan Razaq
    Umar Razaq
    Shazad Akbar

    See? there goes that feeling agian. ONE day I WILL manage to figure out what in these cases is so TERRIBLY similar.

  10. Heh! It's a puzzle, isn't it?
