Tuesday 29 December 2009

Hey, I Wonder Where All The Money Went..?

And in case you thought that the police obviously have all the time and money in the world, since they seem to be able to waste it on things that aren't even illegal, think again.

In the very same newspaper, they are pleading poverty:
Protesters from around the country are again preparing to descend on Sussex as cash-strapped police beg the Government to pay for their last major demonstration.
The protest? Well, it's in aid of the Palestinians. So, obviously, Brighton is the best place to do that...

Oh, and 'the government' doesn't have any money. So 'the government' won't be paying to police this little exercise in middle-class foot-stamping and screaming - the taxpayer will.
The event in Brighton is taking place as Sussex Police grapple with a massive budget shortfall...
You know what'd help with that, Sussex Police?

Concentrating on things that are a crime. Not things that aren't yet...


  1. Just what Brighton needs another demo by the great unwashed lefties in favour of a nation that not even the Egyptians or Jordanians like.
    I wonder how the rabid left would treat Israel if they'd sided with Stalin all those years ago, hypocrites.

  2. The Sussex cops shouldn't have wasted so much money 'protecting' this year's Labour Party Conference at Brighton then.

  3. "Just what Brighton needs another demo by the great unwashed lefties..."

    The comments seem to indicate that the taxpayers of Brighton have more than had enough, too...

    "The Sussex cops shouldn't have wasted so much money 'protecting' this year's Labour Party Conference at Brighton then."

    Good point.
