Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Is It Possible You're Overthinking This..?

Have superhero comics outgrown a pre-adolescent fear of women? Not in the slightest, argues critic Abhay Khosla. In fact, he argues, Marvel Comics' last few linewide storylines have been all about why women are terrifying and need to be destroyed.

Opines Khosla:
"The first major "Event" Civil War began when Captain America was asked to submit to the authority of a woman named Maria Hill.

Captain America then initiates an all-out superhero civil war rather than take orders from a woman. At the conclusion of the comic, Iron Man has won that contest; however, the comic goes bizarrely out of its way to assure the reader that the patriarchal order has been restored: the comic's celebratory final three pages feature Iron Man forcing Maria Hill to get him coffee."
I had to double-check to make sure this wasn't a female critic. It appears to be male.

And if he thinks this is a good way to pick up chicks, well...


  1. no-one fears women

    people fear people regardless of thier sex

    men fear women because women are protected in law more than men

    women own children, men pay, childbirht is the most natural thing to occur after sex, how painfull is that?

    women are the fairer sex but they cry rape and get away with it

    a woman can hit a man and thats funny, apparently, goto blackpool and look at the post cards if you dont believe me

    so we want equality?!?

    get real............

  2. the day i see a woman take responsibility for her words, thoughts and deads i will marry her

  3. Pick up chicks? This is a grown man who reads comics. That ship has sailed.

  4. I pick up chicks all the time.

    I push them around, I pull them hither and thither. I twist 'em, I hold them, I shake them. They sigh, submit and come back for more.

    But then my other interest ain't comics, it's ballroom dancing.

  5. "Pick up chicks? This is a grown man who reads comics. That ship has sailed."

    Even worse. He reviews them...

    "graphic novels pls!"

    Indeed! So much less infra dig...

    "But then my other interest ain't comics, it's ballroom dancing."

    Heh! :)
