Monday 21 December 2009

It's Bradford, They Can't Afford Three Coins...

The body of a man who is thought to have died in a freak accident was found trapped beneath the ice of a city centre fountain.

Two 13-year-old boys made the discovery as they walked past the fountain outside Bradford Magistrates' Court, which was frozen over, on Saturday afternoon.
Still, good job we have CCTV, isn't it?
Officers have scoured city centre CCTV and found footage of a man near the fountain on Friday night.

It is believed he fell through the ice and was unable to get back out of the water, and the freezing temperatures caused ice to form over his body during the night, leaving it hidden until the two boys spotted it.
Far be it from me to suggest that a few police patrols might actually prevent people drowning unnecessarily in monuments to councils' bloated budgets, rather than simply watching the edited highlights a day later...


  1. How long before the first bansturbator demands that it be drained and filled in to prevent another million to one chance occurence.

    oh and won't somebody think of the cheeeeldren

  2. Public ornaments are a waste of council money? So you support their removal from all public places in an effort to save money, yes?

    And as for police patrols, how many do you think there are in Bradford on a Friday night? Quite a few I imagine. Are you suggesting that- instead of patrolling the streets, acting as a deterrent to drunken violence and keeping the peace- they should instead be diverted to patrol public water ornaments in case once every fifty years someone happens to trip into one?

    You're a fucking moron.

  3. "How long before the first bansturbator demands that it be drained and filled in to prevent another million to one chance occurence."

    Oh, I'd say about as long as it takes for some cretin to show up here and totally miss the poin...

    Why, hello, punkscience!

    "Public ornaments are a waste of council money? So you support their removal from all public places in an effort to save money, yes?"

    No. Read it again. I'd type it e t r a s l o w l y for you, if you think it'd help?

    "Are you suggesting that- instead of patrolling the streets, acting as a deterrent to drunken violence and keeping the peace- they should instead be diverted to patrol public water ornaments..."

    Because they can't do both at the same time, right? Who's the moron, now?

    Or perhaps you think it's perfectly fine and nothing to worry about that, in the UK in 2009, a man can drown in the middle of one of our largest towns and the response of the authorities is to say 'Oh, really? Let's wind the tape back and see how it happened...'

    I think you are more than a moron, my friend. You are a little sheep, forking over taxes, grazing on the state and waiting for the day the farmer comes along to remove that nice woolly coat you've been growing for him.

    And all the while, thinking yourself well cared for and secure.


  4. Ban watur nao!!1!LOL

  5. In a moment of supreme irony, I see that the man has now been identified and had a heart attack (which caused him to fall into the water). He was a council worker, and his colleagues were out in front of the Town Hall (not knowing irt was their workmate who died)...putting up barriers around the fountain.

    Could there be a more perfect example of modern Britain and its public services than this?

  6. punkscience said...

    how many do you think there are in Bradford on a Friday night? Quite a few I imagine. Are you suggesting that- instead of patrolling the streets, acting as a deterrent to drunken violence and keeping the peace- they should instead be diverted to patrol public water ornaments in case once every fifty years someone happens to trip into one?

    "A police officer is a citizen, localy appointed, but with nauthority under the Crown for the PROTECTION OF LIFE and property..."

    FIRST principal, whether YOU, twat face; like it or NOT, is the "protection of life". NOT preventing YOUR sort getting pissed and smashing shop windows, or wanking themselves off in the middle of the high street.

    So any comments to THAT you fucking moron?

  7. Sorry Julia. Just could not resist putting THAT twat in it's place.

  8. Pavlov's Cat asks
    "How long before the first bansturbator demands that it be drained ?"

    As a teenager I went to Trafalgar Square on New Years Eve a number of times (1970s). It was then still possible to paddle in the undrained fountains ( fortified with illicit alcohol against the cold) and climb to the top of the structure on which to sit.
    One year they drained out the water, then they barricaded the fountains, now they billboard the whole thing so that you can't even look at and fantasise about climbing onto them.

  9. "Sorry Julia. Just could not resist putting THAT twat in it's place."

    No need to apologise - sometimes the only thing that suffices with these 'people' is a hard wallop round the back of the head. Virtually, of course!

    "One year they drained out the water, then they barricaded the fountains, now they billboard the whole thing so that you can't even look at and fantasise about climbing onto them."

    Odd. I can't remember anyone ever drowning in them...

  10. @Banned

    This year they they have done the same to Eros from the begining of December.
    Not because someone has been hurt in the past, but on the possibility that someone 'could be injured'

    It is supposed to be a 'festive snow globe' is it bollocks

    Suprisingly the London Evening Standard has been silent on this abomination, perhaps because a lot of its advertisers are actually using it.
    However Wussey has some photo's and his opinion matches my own

    Eros Snow Globe
