Wednesday 30 December 2009

Trends For 2010...

Augmented reality (AR) has had a quiet launch on mobile handsets but it set to explode next year, experts say.
Some interesting possibilities lie ahead for gadget fans and lovers of the new and cool:
"Instead of seeing people as they are you might well be able to see their Facebook profiles appearing as bubbles above them," said Mr Pearson.

Of course, we should always remember that such new innovations can be used for evil too...


  1. Somewhat off-topic, but on the subject of farcebook you may enjoy this

  2. Let's hope the AR makes more of a bang than a pair of Nigerian undies.

  3. It won't be long before we are fitted with a bluetooth / chip at birth. Enough twats wander around staring at their mobile screens as it is - the accident rates will soar. I have enough trouble with reality as Isee and experience it using my existing natural senses let alone this bollocks!

  4. "Somewhat off-topic, but on the subject of farcebook you may enjoy this"

    Lol! He's got chutzpah, I'll say that for him...

    "Enough twats wander around staring at their mobile screens as it is - the accident rates will soar."

    Yes, iPod headphones were bad enough, but the number of people I've seen step into the road while gazing raptly at their mobile screen is pretty friightening.

    Oh, well. Darwin will sort that one out!
