Tuesday 19 January 2010

I Guess The Word 'Punishment' Means Something Quite Different In Kent...

A teenage boy has been punished for making repeated hoax 999 calls.
Oooh, really?

A good thrashing? A month behind bars? Or a 'community punishment', perhaps?

Well, the latter could still be useful, if it was to accompany the emergency services to some really harrowing accident scenes, to give him a better understanding of the...

Oh. What am I saying?
The teenager has been given an £80 penalty notice.


  1. That's the modern way, returning us to Anglo-Saxon and Norman visions of justice by expropriation but without the advantage of having a trial by ones peers.

  2. C'mon Julia, you know full well that "accompan[ing] the emergency services to some really harrowing accident scenes" would lead to a humungous payout for the poor little mite, as well as a get out of jail free card for life.

    "My client was subjected to harrowing accident scenes by the evil society we live in therefore he cannot be responsible for beating that old lady to death for her pension, m'lud."

  3. "...would lead to a humungous payout for the poor little mite, as well as a get out of jail free card for life."

    Ah, true.
