Sunday 31 January 2010

Question: How Fast Can A Bear Run?

Answer: Luckily, on this occasion, not as fast as these Polish vets...


  1. All kinds of wierd and wonderfull wild life are appearing in unusual places this winter. (We have not had one single hour above 0° since two weeks before christmas, and the snow that fell then is still here, and has been added to).

    We live about ten kilometers from the city center of Berlin. Last night the place was full of police because a pack of wild boar were rampaging down our street. And they are BIG bastards!

  2. An adult bear, about 40mph. This is why it is very important to be able to run faster than your friends if being chased by one.

  3. "Last night the place was full of police...And they are BIG bastards!"

    The boars, I take it..? ;)

    "This is why it is very important to be able to run faster than your friends if being chased by one."

    Vet no.2 looks like he's figured that one out!

    There was an old wive's tale that they couldn't run very fast either uphill (or downhill), I seem to recall reading.

    I wonder who was the unfortunate chaps that realised, too late, that a lot of old wive's tales are just that..?

  4. Furor Teutonicus31 January 2010 at 12:03

    The boars, I take it..? ;)


  5. Am I the first to say: "Exit..pursued by a bear."?

  6. Teutonicus, we have had some unusually cold weather in the North East of England, and we are becoming worried about the effect on some of our wildlife. Migratory waterfowl seem to have headed west, and they haven't come back. All of the lakes and ponds in our local area froze over. So now we are gooseless, duckless, and swanless.

  7. "Am I the first to say: "Exit..pursued by a bear."?"

    This being the 'Mail', I doubt that headline occurred to them. God only knows what the 'Sun' would have had!

    "Migratory waterfowl seem to have headed west, and they haven't come back."

    We had a flock of unusual geese turn up in our local park over the Christmas period - a glance through a bird book identified them as pink footed geese. Never seen them in an outer London park before...

  8. The snow that we got two weeks before Jule is not yet away, in fact it has been added to. About 60 to90 CM (Two to three foot), we have had, in the last three months THREE days where the temperature has reached above 0° (one at 1° and two at 2°), and ten nights we have had -25°.

    It is costing me a bloody fortune in bird feed!

    I blame global warmi....ahh, there is a hole in that logic somewhere.

  9. Oh aye, and I forgot to mention, Wolves have been spotted 10 kilometers West of Berlin city center, by someone who hunts them for a living (he is a Government hired hunter for culling out the excess of the wolf packs)!

    As a guage, they are NORMALLY along the Polish border, and South from Berlin.
