Friday 22 January 2010

So, Let’s See If I Can Sum Up...

If you are a little bit slow, even though you have no other issues, can hold down a job, etc, have never been convicted (or even suspected) of a crime, social workers from Fife will pursue you to Ireland to remove your baby the moment you’ve given birth:
Stephen Moore, executive director of social work at Fife Council, said: ‘I can confirm that although the Robertson family are not presently within Fife, we are committed to working closely with professional colleagues elsewhere to ensure safety and welfare of the child and indeed the whole family as this is of paramount concern to us.

‘I would urge Kerry to use all the support that is being made available to her and her baby and to get appropriate help should she need it.’
In fact, if this allegation proves to be true, it seems you don’t even need to bother with the niceties of the legal system:
Mr McDougall claimed the care order had the wrong baby’s name on it and the wrong date of birth.
On the other hand, if you are a drunken, drug abusing wastrel, in a relationship with an equally-useless violent man and with several kids already in trouble with the law for offences including unprovoked violence, what will happen?
Nothing. You can continue your life (if it can be dignified with such a name) untroubled by police and social workers:
Mr Kelson revealed how the children's father repeatedly beat up, burnt and suffocated their mother.
On one occasion he told his partner he would 'take a knife to her and slice her face to bits'.

The father, who was a heavy drinker, would rain blows on the boys if they attempted to step in to protect their mother, the court heard.

The boys would imitate what they had seen at home, assaulting adults and children they came across in their daily life.

On one occasion the older brother was convicted of battery for attacking a mother and threatening to kill her eight-year-old son.

The younger brother was reprimanded for headbutting a 53-year-old male teacher who tried to stop him punching a female teacher.

Mr Kelson said the elder brother smoked ten cigarettes a day and regularly drank cider and vodka from the age of nine.

The boy also smoked marijuana which his father grew on his allotment.
In fact, your problems (which are all either entirely of your own making or within your purview to change), will actually be offered as an excuse for the actions of the wretched spawn that have issued from your loins:
The younger brother sobbed in Sheffield Crown Court as details of their violent and 'toxic' family life were given as mitigation for the appalling crimes.
Maybe Harriet Harman in onto something after all.

There doesn’t seem to be a great deal of ‘equality’ in the UK, does there?


  1. On reading the following article, similar thoughts had occurred to me.

    "Kelsen's mitigation statement noted that the older brother had viewed pornographic and violent films, smoked his father's home-grown cannabis and regularly drank vodka and cider. The court was told of a series of violent incidents involving the brothers in the two years before the attack.

    The older boy attacked a younger child, punched and kicked two teachers, and punched a mother with infant children on a local street. His sibling hit one teacher, a woman, and headbutted another, the court heard."

    I really wonder if the Mail (or Kelsen) mixed up the cases for the defence and prosecution.

    Recalling his former career as criminal lawyer, Clive Anderson once admitted there are times when it's in your client's best interest for there to be no witnesses called, no cross-examination and generally as little time as possible for the jury to consider the evidence.

  2. It's simple. One, nice docile baby which may or may not be as intelligent as the norm (and who cares anyway) which is easy to place as a 'reward' for those couples prepared to take part in childtheft and sit through the brainwashing and saint tests for prospective adoptive parents. Smiles all round (other than the robbed parents whose crib has been harvested by NewLavourBorn(tm))

    On the other hand you have a couple of totally out of order kids who have difficult, stressing and expensive to handle, and as we can see, over 20 times (or was it 30), the powers that be successfully avoided getting their hands dirty(and maybe their heads kicked in).

    I am not sure why you're so surprised?

    If you can stand anymore idiocy for the day, take a look here:

  3. "Recalling his former career as criminal lawyer, Clive Anderson once admitted there are times when it's in your client's best interest for there to be no witnesses called, no cross-examination and generally as little time as possible for the jury to consider the evidence."

    "It's simple. One, nice docile baby which may or may not be as intelligent as the norm (and who cares anyway) which is easy to place..."

    I think this is definitely one of those cases!

    Indeed. That councils have been allowed to get away with this beggars belief. And John Denham seems to be the only MP with the guts to stand up for these people...

    The Buckfast thing is hilarious. Good on the makers for telling them where to go...

  4. Bah, wrong John. It's John Hemmings.

    A LibDem, too...
