Tuesday 19 January 2010

Two Bald Men Fighting Over A Comb Again…

As Mark Wadsworth points out, this story has everything
Cherie Blair's stepmother was sworn at by her boss and her family connections dismissed with a 'sneer' in a row which led to her losing her job, she said on Monday.
Her family connections tend to raise something a bit stronger than a sneer in most circles…
The 55-year-old, who hopes to become a Labour MP at the next Election, claims she was unfairly dismissed after complaining that Burnley-based Cool UK was chaotic and unsafe to work at.
What makes her think she can cut it as an MP?

Well, it seems she’s already got the makings of one:
An employment tribunal heard claims that she lied about being a qualified teacher and that there had been numerous complaints about her performance - allegations she denies.

She also refuted accusations that she ordered a junior colleague to pose as a voter and write comments on a website supporting her candidacy.
She sounds like she’d fit right in!


  1. What makes her think she can cut it as an MP?

    She's a whining, puling, lying politically-correct fascist with a hypertrophied sense of entitlement and the brains of an earthworm.

    Seems like a shoo-in to me.

  2. Cherry Blur again, she looks old for her age doesn't she?

  3. Oh i'd like to meet her step-mum, proly got some good tips on food prep

  4. Now that's as creepy as all buggery: the harridan in question (Steph Booth) is 55. So is Cherie Blair.

  5. "Now that's as creepy as all buggery: the harridan in question (Steph Booth) is 55. So is Cherie Blair."

    Spooky! Maybe there's something to this numerology lark after all...
