Thursday 18 February 2010

Here We Go Again…

The ‘Open Borders’ advocates never give up, do they?
Children held at an immigration detention centre face "extremely distressing" arrest and transportation procedures, and are subjected to prolonged and sometimes repeated periods of detention, according to a damning report by the Children's Commissioner.
Well, yes. But that is the fault of their parents, not the government.
In a report that prompted an angry response from the UK Border Agency (UKBA), Sir Al Aynsley-Green highlighted concerns over "significant areas" of healthcare for the 1,000 children held in the Yarl's Wood centre every year.

They include a failure to assess "even at an elementary level" the general psychological wellbeing of a child on arrival and a failure to recognise psychological harm when faced with dramatic changes in a child's behaviour.
Because they won't have other causes, will they? And they will be 100% genuine, won't they?
Aynsley-Green concluded that the poor care and unacceptable delays in the case of a three-year-old child with a fractured arm was symptomatic of a failure to provide a standard of NHS care that any British citizen could expect.

The child had been examined by a nurse hours after a fall, but was not seen by a doctor until 15 hours later and, five hours after that, was taken to hospital.
Ummm, sorry, Sir Al, but a quick trip through the archives of any national or local newspaper would provide you with many, many examples of this sort of thing happening to British citizens…
He concluded that further work had to be done to make arrest and transportation "less distressing for and harmful to children"
Such as..?

Clown cars? UKBA Officers to dress as Disney characters?
Welcoming the report, Dr Rosalyn Proops, officer for child protection at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said: "These children are among the most vulnerable in our communities and detention causes unnecessary harm to their physical and mental health. The current situation is unacceptable and we urge the government to stop the detention of children without delay."
Well, of course you do.

Why not simply come right out and admit that you believe a child should be a 'get out of immigration controls free' ticket?


  1. 'Al' really gets on my t*ts. I suspect I'm not alone. When is he going?

  2. I wouldn't have a problem with an open borders policy providing that if they came they got nothing from the system (no housing, no benefits, no free health) until they'd contributed to the system for at least 4 to 5 years.
    I suspect we'd get far fewer "immigrants" then, only those willing to work hard for a good life need apply.

  3. Yes, open borders is what they want - which would be okay if we would not then be absolutely swamped, what would they say then?

  4. Where's the "I think I'm in love post from the RSS", Julia?

  5. *This is totaly off subject but Julia will know wtf this is about*

    So, no need to worry about arse bandits or pretending that I'm crazy to get an easy life.

    She has met someone. Someone who has impressed on her that I had moved on a long time ago and so should she. The result, she failed to attend, case closed.

    Thank you Julia for your wishes. Not sure what I have learned. I hope they are happy. I suspect my life is destined to be a literny of people who take advantage of a man who is too open for his own good.

    btw I have been confident that I am particularly crazy for some time. Incapable of being malicious but proper mad, ah well, sucks to be me huh?

  6. On subject

    the treatment that the chiiiiiiiiiidren we are discussing are subjected to during transit is like a five star hotel compared to where they have probably come from.

    When will the UK and its inhabitants realise we and it are not responsible for the whole world and its chiiiiiiiiiildren.

  7. They stay, we pay. Until the electorate can stand no more and vote in the BNP or worse.

  8. The 'our communities' line extruded by Dr Proops really sums up the deranged mindset of the open borders crowd. Illegal immigrants awaiting deportation are not part of any wider 'community', let alone part of the nation. They are uninvited guests awaiting dispatch back to the 'communities' to which they genuinely belong.

    If Dr Proops wishes to pay an additional hypothecated tax to maintain illegal immigrants in accommodation he considers more suitable, fine. But he has no right to demand that a share of my tax monies is spent on his pet projects.

  9. I'm totally against the detention of those children.

    They should be immediately put onto a plane back to they country of origin whose future they are, without going into a jail first or being stolen to prop up our failing pension pyramid.

  10. "I suspect I'm not alone."

    You're definitely not!

    "I wouldn't have a problem with an open borders policy providing that if they came they got nothing from the system (no housing, no benefits, no free health) until they'd contributed to the system for at least 4 to 5 years."

    The problem being, they would then be exploited - even below minimum wage here would provide them with a better standard of living than in their own countries. There has to be some sort of limit.

    It's one of the areas where I disagree with the Libertarians.

    "Where's the "I think I'm in love post from the RSS", Julia?"

    Coming up today - I hit 'publish' accidentally, before I'd set the date & time. Or the body text! :)

    "The result, she failed to attend, case closed."


    Shame it wasn't sorted long before then, but still, gift horses and all that...

  11. "When will the UK and its inhabitants realise we and it are not responsible for the whole world..."

    Never, as far as the bleeding hearts are concerned. They don't live in the areas affected by mass immigration, after all.

    "...he has no right to demand that a share of my tax monies is spent on his pet projects."

    Agreed. They never offer to house any themselves, I note...

    "They should be immediately put onto a plane back to they country of origin whose future they are..."

    Indeed. Most of them spend so long in detention simply because they stretch out the appeals to the limit.

    So, complaining about the length of time in detention is a cheeky as those anti-death penalty campaigners who complain about the length of time spent on death row!
