Wednesday 24 February 2010

Identity Politics & The General Election

Inayat Bunglawala demands that the Tories will show the Muslims some sugar, if they know what's good for them:
And with the latest polls showing that we may be heading for a hung parliament, the Conservative party leadership could yet come to regret their needlessly offensive snub last night.
That 'needlessly offensive snub' being not turning up at a gala dinner in London held by the Muslim Council of Britain.

Yup. ThatMuslim Council of Britain...

Can't think why the Tories would want to give them a wide berth, can you?

Meanwhile, Smirkin' Sunny Hundal castigates the MSM for being closet BNP supporters:
The problem here is that while newspaper columnists and reporters keep stating they hate the BNP and all it stands for, they nevertheless keep promoting narratives that harden BNP support.
One of those narratives our fearless reporter 'exposes' being this:
Debate on immigration is being suppressed

Probably the oldest trick in the book. The rightwing press talks about immigration every day. And yet commentators on the right maintain with a straight face that the debate on immigration is being suppressed. What they actually mean is: those immigrants who don't agree with us are all bad.
Oh, dear. Bad timing, Sunny. As usual...

This GE is going to be fun to watch, isn't it?


  1. 'Debate on immigration is being suppressed'

    One of the ways debate is suppressed (in addition to the MONA phenomenon when crime is reported)is by mealy mouthed features such as, this, from the BBC website/R4 today-

    The Report is clearly based on findings related to black gangs in London. However, half way into the report the journo realises that such a blatant description of how London is 'enriched' by these gang activities may be 'inappropriate'. He therefore goes off on a tangent, implying that 'white gangs' in Glasgow are just as bad. However the point of the report is that rape is now the 'weapon of choice' used by gangs.Or, as Mr Stickler puts it-

    'In Glasgow at least the girls are escaping the targeted sexual violence'.

    Quite- in which case why mention the Glasgow gangs in the first place !

    I think we can work out the drift of any editorial conference that preceded the broadcast of this item, even if Sunny is too thick, or too obtuse, to do the same.

  2. Muslim Council of GB, you said:

    'What they actually mean is: those immigrants who don't agree with us are all bad.'

    Anybody in their right mind says: 'That's exactly what we mean.

  3. I do it every time: I follow your links and find myself in the fetid swamp that is CiF. I feel sullied.

    These multi-culti neo-colonialists and their self-hating enablers really do seem to think that a cry of 'Waaycist!' is a devastating, unanswerable riposte to those of us naughty children who refuse to step into line. Can't they see that we don't care? Didn't their mummies teach them 'Sticks and stones'?

    The silly names they call us have been abused into meaninglessness and lost any power they ever had.

    I need a shower now: just being on the same webpage as that filth makes my skin crawl..

  4. Hug a bomber?....nah it's too predictable.

  5. .....and in other news Councillor Terry Kelly is off the leash again

  6. "However the point of the report is that rape is now the 'weapon of choice' used by gangs."

    And then they go and destroy their 'all gangs are the same' argument. Beautiful!

    "I do it every time: I follow your links and find myself in the fetid swamp that is CiF."

    You need to know your enemy in order to defeat them...

    Of course, as Mark above points out, it helps when they unwittingly give you the rope to hang them with!

    "Sunny is probably a misnomer."

    Indeed. Although he seems to be doing all right for himself. Racemongering pays well, it seems.

    ".....and in other news Councillor Terry Kelly is off the leash again"

    It's absolutely amazing that man possesses enough intelligence to turn his PC on...
