Saturday 27 February 2010

I'm So Proud Of My Country...

A teenager was put behind bars for five years today for killing her boyfriend after a drinking spree on the day of her A-level results.
She failed them, naturally (pity they weren't in binge drinking and mindless violence) though the report says she still had enough to go to a 'college course' in Bristol...
Katherine McGrath, 19, plunged a steak knife into Alyn Thomas's chest after drinking with her schoolfriends to celebrate their exams.

McGrath was cleared of murder after claiming she acted in self-defence when Alyn, 22, bit her thumb in a drunken row.
Seems proportionate to me! And no doubt to the likes of Harriet Harman and Vera 'Pooper Scooper' Baird.
McGrath, who refused to give evidence in her murder trial, was sentenced to five years in a young offenders institution.
That'll teach her...
Judge John Griffith Williams said: 'This is a very sad case and only you know exactly what happened. But I'm sure the jury did not hear the whole truth.

'Clearly you rowed. Whatever the cause of the row, he was not the only one to act aggressively.'
Oh, FFS..! Where do we find these idiot judges, who equate stabbing someone in the chest with a steak knife and a bit of pushing and shoving?

Seriously, if the sexes had been reversed, does anyone doubt that Alyn would be seeing serious jail time here?

One last thing: The 'Mail' reports that:
Cardiff Crown Court heard she stabbed Alyn at her £400,000 detached house in Bridgend, South Wales.
That's got to be a mistake, surely..?


  1. This report is nonsense. The suggestion that it is possible to do badly in one's A-levels, never mind fail them, is clearly absurd.

  2. It's probably our £400,000 detached house.
