Saturday 20 February 2010

Meet The New Boss….

…trying desperately to hide the fact that he’s exactly the same as the old boss:
A confidential blueprint for David Cameron's controversial bid to impose more women, gays and ethnic candidates on reluctant party activists has come to light.

The explosive six-page document proposes the use of subterfuge to end the white, male and middle-class image of the Conservative Party.
If that's a desirable option, why the need for subterfuge?

Iain Dale thinks that it is a desirable option, as the Conservative Associations in six constituencies have just picked 'diverse' candidates, each spurning the option of the white man. This, apparently, proves that CAs are progressive, changed parties, and the old guard Tories are wrong.

Well, we'll see.
And the language in the document will further exacerbate tensions between the Tory high command and its army of hard working volunteers.

The document suggests using 'stealth' and stresses the importance of keeping 'quiet' over the plans to ensure more women, ethnic and gay candidates. 'Like a conjuror, we'll get more applause if the audience cannot see exactly how the trick is performed,' the document says.
The problem being that we pay to see a conjuror because we expect to be tricked. It's part of the act. We aren't supposed to be tricked by people we elect to positions of power (though god knows why we haven't realised that it seems to happen a lot).

Still, maybe this charge is led by a frighteningly diverse bunch of...

It was written by Tory schools spokesman Michael Gove, an influential member of Mr Cameron's inner circle, and Dean Godson, a director of favoured think-tank Policy Exchange.

Mr Gove is a close friend of Joanne Cash, 40, the poster girl for the Tories' so-called A-list of candidates designed to fast-track women, ethnic candidates and gays into winnable seats.
Now the row over selection has moved to the Warwickshire constituency of Stratford-upon-Avon.

A huge turnout from the 900-strong association is expected this evening to select a candidate.

But the list imposed by Tory Central Office means they have a choice of four women (none of whom has ever fought a Parliamentary seat), one of ethnic origin and only one local (white) man.

Sir William Lawrence, who has served 28 years as a councillor in the town, said: 'Just think of the quality of the MPs who have been chosen by the constituency association in the past. But, today, we are not trusted to make that choice.'
The Tories need to be careful. A similar situation for councillors in Barking & Dagenham last year has caused great upset, and raised the possibility that embittered former Labour members will stand as independents.
Mr Cameron is unrepentant and his decision to seize power from local associations, say his friends, is the culmination of the secret plan on how to neuter the party faithful in the country.
These members of the Tory grassroots, cruelly nicknamed dinosaurs, are seen by modernisers as impediments to a progressive party.
The Prime Minister will launch a weekend of events with a speech today accusing the Tories of harbouring a 'hatred of government that will hurt the recovery'.

He will claim the Tories would peddle a 'narrow nationalism' that will leave Britain 'isolated'.

But Tory chairman Eric Pickles said: 'The choice at the election will be clear: Five more years of Gordon Brown or change with the Conservatives.'
Really, Eric?

What ‘change’ is that, then..?

And just why should I believe you when you tell me your party is the one to vote for? Because it seems to me that it plans to pick up just where the Labour Party left off...


  1. So much for CallMeDave's localism.

    This man calls himself a conservative - he's nothing of the kind. In truth he really is Heir-to-Blair. Does he not realise (presumably not) that people have had enough of being told what to do, being spied on, being viewed as suspects, being taxed to the limit?

    Hung Parliament on the way I think.

  2. Peter Hitchen's preferred solution is looking better by the day.

  3. Reminds me of Ian Hislop in late 1997 or early 98 commenting on the Labour theme song. 'Things can only get similar' he called it. Ultimately they actually got much worse, and now it looks like they're going to get similar again.

  4. I KNOW what the bastards are doing.

    They are TRYING to loose the general election.

    After all, would YOU want to be the one left toclear up the mess the present pile of shite have left behind them, AND, like Thatcher, get the blame for it YEARS later?

    The next general election is going to be like watching a "pass the percel" at a Paki Madrassa.

  5. Just wait till big fat white blokes aren't considered suitable!
    I mean, what sort of example is it to show a morbidly obese man like Pickles handling responsibility, it would make 'the kids' think it is OK to guzzle coca cola and munch crisps all day if Eric can?
    He'll have to go soon.

    Anyway I live in one of the safest Conservative seats in England, all I can do is wittle away his enormous majority by my one vote. I recently moved from Widdecombe's constituency where her replacement has been hanging around for a year or so. Angela Grant - Female - Black - Lawyer - but only a couple of years ago she was a Labour PPC! Opportunistic or what. Pathetic. So who am I going to vote for? Labour - FUCK OFF! Lib-dems? Nutters!, Tories - NO WAY! BNP - full of knuckle dragging fuckwits, Libertarians - crazy loons all speaking like 1970's disc jockeys during the current FREEMAN phase, Green Party - AAAaaarrghh! So it's UKIP for me.
    The tradional Tory party is soon to be no more....breakaway time for those with the bottle, and they would win. Cameron is too much of the same corporate political bollox as all of them.

  6. I live in South Warwickshire and this is getting scary.
    What's the point in voting Conservative when the Conservative Party isn't conservative?

  7. Greencoat said...
    What's the point in voting Conservative when the Conservative Party isn't conservative?

    Well, if enough of their potential supporters wrote and asked/told them that, then you/they may make a difference.

    HAVE you?

  8. This is 'Trojan Horse' politics, which was successful in 1997 when Tony Blair managed to trick people into believing that Nulabour was different from the Old labour that ruined the country in the years up to 1979. Hopefully Dave Cameron is attempting the same trick.
    I watched a documentary about the 1974 election, when Ted Heath asked the country to decide. They did and the result was Labour won the most seats, but the Conservatives won the most votes. And no one could work out what the people's decision was.
    And for the first time in my voting life I am wondering where to put the 'X'

  9. Now you know why the Conservative reaction to the secret Labour migration plans was so muted. Criticising Labour for stealth politics is difficult for the Conservatives if that's exactly what they're practising. The only reason to vote Conservative is to get rid of the present shysters. Unfortunately voting Conservative will only produce a new set of shysters in power. However, the policies (some revealed, some not) will be the same as will the shysters contempt for the electorate.

  10. "This man calls himself a conservative - he's nothing of the kind. In truth he really is Heir-to-Blair."

    Except Blair came along at the right place and time. iDave has missed the boat.

    "Peter Hitchen's preferred solution is looking better by the day."


    "The next general election is going to be like watching a "pass the percel" at a Paki Madrassa."


    "The tradional Tory party is soon to be no more....breakaway time for those with the bottle, and they would win."

    I'm not so sure. I wouldn't bet against the general stupidity of the great British public...

  11. "...if enough of their potential supporters wrote and asked/told them that, then you/they may make a difference."

    The problem being, they no longer want traditional Conservative supporters.

    They seem to truly want to elect a new people, as the old saying goes...

    "Hopefully Dave Cameron is attempting the same trick."

    An election won on a lie is still an election won on a lie, even if it's a party you formerly supported that wins, though...

    And I'm not convinced he's lying, as some hope.

    "Now you know why the Conservative reaction to the secret Labour migration plans was so muted. "

    Yup! There's the 'new people' they want to elect.
