Tuesday 23 February 2010

One Law For Us....

...and one law for you little people:
He was given a six-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £2,500.
Utterly disgraceful...

Still, I'm sure the prosecuting authority in this case will point out the discrepancy and demand that the case be sent back for...

The RSPCA, which had prosecuted the case, welcomed the verdict and said that those responsible for animals must be held to account for their actions, no matter what their profession.
Sure, well, no surprise there. Wouldn't do to upset the people you enlist to help you kick down doors, would it?


  1. It is always bad enough killing 'run of the mill' human beings and this quite definitely merited a criminal prosecution.

  2. Magistrate and defendant from the same Lodge, perchance?

  3. "...this quite definitely merited a criminal prosecution."

    Yes, if only to nip in the bud the appearance of inequality.

    FAIL! justice system...

    "Magistrate and defendant from the same Lodge, perchance?"

    You might say that. I couldn't possibly comment!
