Tuesday 9 February 2010

"...this is not something that should be happening."

No kidding:
'We had just picked up and let off people at a bus stop and moved off again when the driver stopped the bus very suddenly.

'He got out of his cab, leaving the engine running, and walked towards the middle exit door.

'He laid out a fluorescent jacket on the floor and I thought that somebody must have been sick and he was covering it up.

'I didn't really think much of it.

'But then he took off his shoes and began praying.'
It seems that the bus company have 'had a word' with him...

Pity that word wasn't 'Fired'.


  1. Passengers said they feared the driver could be preparing for a terror attack.

    Oh go and fuck yourselves sideways with a barbed wire wrapped, dried walruss prick, you stupid bastards!

  2. Another thing springs to my attention from of the posts;

    It is an offence to leave a vehicle with the engine running,
    Contrary to regulation 107(1) of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

    You can be arrested without warrant.

    Aye. Correct "Abandoning a motor vehicle. But ONLY whilst he was not on the bus.

    However the last bit

    You can be arrested without warrant.

    WHAT? It is a summary offence....or, have they given it a power of arrest since 1989?

  3. As soon as I read the article, I found myself musing about all the buses in Riyadh or in Aba Dabbadu coming to a halt five times a day for prayer. Somehow the image didn't quite gel.

    Then this in the reader comments:-

    He should be fired - immediately. utterly ridiculous behaviour.

    I live in a Muslim country and the bus drivers don't do that here. I told some of my Muslim colleagues about this and they were speechless. It would not be tolerated here, so why is it tolerated in UK..??

    - Chris Shaw, Overseas, 08/2/2010 12:27


    Unfortunately Chris Shaw doesn't eniighten us as to which Muslim country he lives in, but what he says is very much what I would expect in the real world.

    Methinks some of our Muslim guests are taking the piss. This driver should have been given one warning that this sort of bollocks is not acceptable, and fired if he repeats the behaviour.

  4. "Oh go and fuck yourselves sideways with a barbed wire wrapped, dried walruss prick, you stupid bastards!"

    Bit tetchy, Von Spreuth old chap. It must have been quite a bizarre experience for the punters. London's getting to be quite a nervous place these days, what with all these unpredictable Darkies and Mohammedans running around.

    Many a year since I've ridden the old 24; must take a trip myself to see if I can spot this latest cultural enrichment to the vibrant multiculure.

    Incidentally, aren't dried walrus pricks covered by the Offensive Animal Parts Regulations 1887?

  5. Probably. :-))

    And any one know about this "power of arrest" thing I asked about?

    Is there anything you can NOT be arrested for in the U.K these days?

    (Besides fidling expenses)

  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrestable_offence

    "the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 abolished the category of arrestable offence, replacing the dual rules with a single set of criteria for all offences. The question now for police is whether it is "necessary" to arrest the relevant person, by reference to various broadly-drafted statutory criteria."

    They can usually think of something.

    I'm not sure if being on the bus would be enough to repudiate abandonment. It's one thing to be realistic about a lorry driver hopping out of the cab to check the back of the rig, quite another for a bus driver to be in a position where he cannot reach the controls. As they had just moved off, it suggests they were blocking the road, too.

  7. I'm not sure if being on the bus would be enough to repudiate abandonment. It's one thing to be realistic about a lorry driver hopping out of the cab to check the back of the rig, quite another for a bus driver to be in a position where he cannot reach the controls.

    See you point.

    Thanks for the "arrest info" as well.

  8. Traffic does not stop on the Arabian Peninsula for prayer calls. It is completely optional to pull off the road to pray.
    I have never seen a bus stopped for prayer - even in Saudi Arabia.

  9. "Unfortunately Chris Shaw doesn't eniighten us as to which Muslim country he lives in, but what he says is very much what I would expect in the real world.

    Methinks some of our Muslim guests are taking the piss. "

    Certainly, a lot of the blame here lies with the management that allows this to happen without serious consequence.

    "As they had just moved off, it suggests they were blocking the road, too."

    Hmm, good point. Where's the English equivalent of PC Shiny Buttons when he's needed?

    "I have never seen a bus stopped for prayer - even in Saudi Arabia."

    Welcome to British Arabia, where it seems we'll put up with anything in order to boast about our 'diversity'...

  10. This is really funny.
