Thursday 25 February 2010

"The wheels on the bus go round and round..." just better hope that's not with Belinda Mould at the wheel:
An angry passenger who wanted a bus to take a different route attacked the driver and took over the wheel.

Belinda Mould, 31, of Orchard Park, north Hull, screamed at, and attacked, the female driver after she changed the bus number.
She then bit the policeman who turned up to collar her.
Mould's barrister Paul Genney said: "She would like to apologise to the driver and she is sincere. She had an addiction to heroin . She no longer takes it and is on methodone."
And her punishment?
She was given a 12-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, and was ordered her to pay the driver £200 compensation and write an apology.
Oh, well, maybe it was a first offence?
Mould has six previous convictions for assault, two of which were against police officers.


  1. The Belinda on the bus goes punch, punch, punch....

  2. If this had been a man he would have gone to prison for such an attack. Classic example of the 'pussy pass'.

  3. "If this had been a man he would have gone to prison for such an attack."

    I'd like to think so, but then...
