Monday, 1 February 2010

Yasmin Beclowns Herself... I don't have to do it:
I did try to sit through the Blair show. An unfortunate combination of Asiatic high emotion and feminine fragility made me feeble.

Her problem? Oh, just the usual:
How can we have had five inquiries into Iraq without a single Iraqi being called and all Muslim voices expunged?

The Chilcot panel could have included a dispassionate Muslim academic or one of the impressive experts on international affairs at Chatham House.
It's an inquiry into the events leading up to the decision to take the country to war, Yasmin. It's not something that needs to be looked at through the crazy screen of the diversity mavens...

But she obviously has the bit between her teeth when it comes to Blair and Bush:
...from his testimony he is still is profoundly a Western supremacist.

That he says there was "no humanitarian disaster" means it doesn't matter how many dusky natives – men, women and children – have been killed, maimed, reduced to destitution or ended up as refugees. They do not matter any more than did those Bengal famine victims under the Raj when they were denied food for sound economic reasons. When he says the "calculus" changed – he reduces these humans to a number. He and Bush, white masters of the universe, decide who lives and who dies.
Oh, FFS..!
They might have summoned, for example, the surviving members of the Hamoodi family hit by two missiles in Basra as they gathered in the family home. They lost Moustapha (13), grandmother Kariah (70), Hassan (9), Zain (19), Zainab (19), Zina (12), Wissam (41) and Ihab (32), a consultant gynaecologist.
They might, yes. How that could possibly be germane to the inquiry, heaven only knows.

Still, it's certainly give you an excuse to weep and wail and rend your garments in public, wouldn't it, Yazza? You'd get a few more column inches out of that...


  1. 'Asiatic high emotion and feminine fragility'- that's a rare bit of self knowledge showing there Yasmin !

    I notice she's also mentioned the Bengal famine in this rant. True, this was a very unpleasant episode in WW2. However, she doesn't mention that both before and after WW2 Bengal wasn't self sufficient in the basic staple ie rice (it still isn't!). To feed itself Bengal (for nearly a century) has relied on rice imports from Burma & Thailand. These countries were occupied by Japan from 1942-45. Not surprisingly, trade between axis occupied parts of Asia and India was disrupted in these years. Also, as there was a war on, soldiers in the Indian & British armies had to be fed. Rice stocks were depleted, the price rose steeply, and the landless peasantry of Bengal starved.

    To imply that the British led ICS in WW2 was motivated by the same 'calculus' , or disregard for the dusky natives, as Blair exhibited in his ghastly decision to join the US in the Iraq adventure, is classic Yazza; muddled thinking immersed in anti white emotion.

  2. "It's an inquiry into the events leading up to the decision to take the country to war, Yasmin. It's not something that needs to be looked at through the crazy screen of the diversity mavens..."

    Er, exactly. Thee is nothing crackpot in suggesting a Muslim academic, who just might have useful knowledge pf the area, might have been cosnulted. Such a "crackpot" idea has been mooted by many, shock, non muslim, non lefties.

    But good luck with the Yasmin baiting.

  3. "It's an inquiry into the events leading up to the decision to take the country to war" in other words it's about the political, diplomatic and miltary folk involved in the UK making the decision to go to war. If there were ANY Muslim academics involved in this process I'd be amazed. So no point in calling them.

    There were no astronauts involved either, so none of them were requested to attend despite the alternative view of Iraq they could have provided.

    Yasmin appears to leave all common sense behind the moment she gets in front of a keyboard.

  4. You are all being very silly. Don't you realise the most important thing in all this is Yasmin's FEEWINGS!

    And of course we should be consulting Muslims. As we know, everything a Muslim says must be right, because Allah wills it so.

  5. Most Iraqis have been killed by other Iraqis not by Western Imperialists armies.

  6. For the full effect, bear in mind that every time some bloke called Mo tries to bring down an airliner with a bomb shoved up his backside, the Yazzmonster jumps out to claim that we can't draw any conclusions about Islam from this and, all things considered, 'Islam' covers a whole multitude of ideologies, only a tiny majoirty of which emphasise the desirability of anal bombings.

    IOW, we're dealing with Schroedinger's Islamofascists, with the Islamic viewpoint only popping into existence when the West fights back. Until then, who can tell what 'Islam' really means?

    Seriously though, which Islamic view would the Yazzmonster like? Sunni or Shia?

  7. Please leave Yasmin alone...why don't we just all group hug and feel each others pain - eh?

  8. "Seriously though, which Islamic view would the Yazzmonster like? Sunni or Shia?"

    Yaz is a member of the Ismaeli sect headed by the Aga Khan, I think both Sunni and Shia regard her as a heretic.

  9. JJ said...

    Please leave Yasmin alone...why don't we just all group hug and feel each others pain - eh?

    Fuck off.
