Thursday, 11 March 2010

Excellent Timing!

"I certainly think, on the basis of what we have got here, we should take antisocial behaviour seriously," (chief inspector of constabulary, Denis) O'Connor said. "Because one of the tests we do in the background is how does this impact in terms of crime? It is constant and in their face, personalised, and people like a sanctuary. If they cannot go home in peace, imagine how unnerving it is. I think this undermines confidence if it is not dealt with seriously – confidence not just in the police, but in general."
And almost before those words had left his mouth...
She added: 'For the past two or three weeks the harassment has moved to the front of the house, which never usually happened. Last night it started really early. I got home about 6.30 and it was already happening.

'We have stopped complaining for about 12 months because nothing gets done.'
Still, bet things are different now, right?
'I saw more police last night than in ten years.

'We have the occasional plastic one come round but they just want to be everyone's friend. It is tragic - like bear baiting - tormented to death.'


  1. 'Lessons will be learned'.

    No they won't. Or if they are, they'll be the wrong ones.

    'We need to get agencies working together'.

    No we don't. We don't need police, social workers and teachers sitting round in endless case conferences.

    We need police arresting the little scrotes and charging them with crimes, not 'anti-social behaviour'.

    But of course that would 'criminalise' the kids. Well it seems to me they've done a pretty good job of doing that to themselves.

    This country....

  2. "But of course that would 'criminalise' the kids."

    It appears the progressives aren't all that fond of criminalising the adults either...

  3. The "community policeofficer" can turn up as mucjh as he fucking WANTS. These offences are happening AFTER he is comfortably tucked up in bed with his teddy bear and glass of warm milk after his 9 to 5 shift has ended.

    This is what comes of having bastard bosses that never walked a bloody beat in their LIFE.

  4. ...and do we see even a glimmer of hope from any of three main parties in the upcoming Miss Blunderverse contest?


    So the pot continues to seeth and bubble and our leaders ignore all the signs. One day it will boil over and people will fix these problems for themselves - the hard way!!

  5. John R said...

    ...and do we see even a glimmer of hope from any of three main parties in the upcoming Miss Blunderverse contest?
    .... One day it will boil over and people will fix these problems for themselves - the hard way!!

    Some wishfull thinking going on there.

    No. It won't boil over, because except for those, like us that either write bloggs or write ON them, and your daily Mail readers, not ONE of the British public even knows, beyond a vague uneasiness, what is going on.

    Then, as they did after voting Thatcher out, they will think their troubles are all over because there is a new "Government" that will come and "kiss it all better".

    People like us will be starting from square one with them.

    They just can not, or WILL not get it into their thick heads that it is the whole SYSTEM that stinks, not just a particular party for six months.

    You just wait and see, when the Torys win. Five months later the entire (non blogging/reading) U.K public will be harking back to the good old days under that "ever so nice Captain Queeg Brown".

    And NOT BLOODY ONE OF THEM will ever admit to having voted for the arseholes that happen to be in power.

    Have YOU ever heard of more than a handfull of people ADMITTING to voting Blair in? Before that the same with Thatcher?

    No. It will be "Bussiness as normal".
