Saturday, 6 March 2010

Hold The Front Page!

You aren't going to believe this!


It transpires that....


...young men like to rate women by attractiveness!

I know! I was shocked too!
Members of a male college drinking society known as the Penguin Club compiled a secret “list of fitties” and compared notes in a series of emails which included pictures of the “targets” they planned to lure to a drunken party.
However, the Hertford women had the last laugh when it emerged yesterday that all 15 members of the drinking club have been suspended.
Wait. What..?
It comes after the private emails were posted around the college in the middle of the night by an unknown whistleblower, who exposed the sexist “hit list”.
And they say the Stasi could never happen here...
One female student said: "The behaviour [of the Penguins] was at the extreme end of sexually aggressive and predatory.”
Oh. Right. What the hell would you use to describe the behaviour of Peter Sutcliffe, then?
The women's welfare representative at the college, Phoebe Arnold, also condemned them.

"The actions and values of the Penguins are certainly not representative of anyone else at Hertford. I'd be loath for anyone to think that."
Oh, FFS..!

What's the point in sending you to university, you dim little prude? Don't you realise that's representative of pretty nearly every healthy red-blooded young man that ever lived?

I can pretty much guarantee you that this would happen in Papua New Guinea's rainforests, if only the young men of the tribe had access to computers.

And these days, they probably do...

Oh, and let's ensure we don't miss a chance for some collective punishment, eh? Just in case any of the rest of these students think they might like to kick over the traces:
Students have been informed that their bar will be closed for the foreseeable future as a result of the events.
Universities, no longer proud to educate the leaders of the future. But more than happy to nurture the next generation of prudes, bluenoses, snivelling whingers and humourless harridens...


  1. the question is Julia, did you make the list? And if not, why not?


  2. I assume the film "Grease" is also now banned on campus.

  3. ' longer proud to educate the leaders of the future...'
    I don't know! Sounds about right to me!

  4. What part of "private emails" don't they understand?

    "The women's welfare representative at the college, Phoebe Arnold, also condemned them."

    I take it she didn't make the list.

  5. Pheobe was quoted as saying "that bitch Andrea has better tits? I'll show them!"

  6. "the private emails were posted around the college..."

    Data protection act and probably a few more offences..


  7. ...young men like to rate women by attractiveness! And so do the not so young.
    I bet women do this too?
    Why would a group of men arranging a party NOT want to invite attractive women.
    By the way, congratulations to the women who made the 'fitties' list.

  8. I wonder how many young women rate men using a similar system?

  9. Th only possibly way to rank prospective sexual parteners is by their harmony with Gaia and embracement* in progressive ideals. All else is mind-rape of the collective.

    *I know I used a potentially patriachly oppressive word there but I was trying to be tytillating** there because sex with ugly fat lezzas can be sexy.

    **Not a spelling error. A deliberate blow to rid us of the terrible tyranny that nice breasts are sexually arousing to testosteronocracy.

    I do despair.

  10. It's been my observation that the girls get far deeper and dirty when comparing notes about their lads bits and performance than the chaps do about them.

  11. "the question is Julia, did you make the list?"

    I think I'm probably old enough to be their mother!

    "I assume the film "Grease" is also now banned on campus."

    I doubt they show films. I expect male students are expected to sit quietly in a darkened room, reflecting on their sins...

    "Data protection act and probably a few more offences.."

    In a normal world, you'd think so. In the halls of academe? Probably not!

    "And so do the not so young."

    Better not tell Pheobe old men like sex too, she's a delicate little flower...

  12. Saw this in the news last night while I was (supposed) to be working... had pretty much the same thoughts Julia.

    Must say, what the boys did was pretty immature but come on... they're young men for crying out loud.

    I'm sure the 'sisterhood' would much prefer to spend their University years with a bunch of well behaved wet behind the ears mummy's boys? Yes? No, they wouldn't. They'd be straight out trying to lure the 'fit lads' from the local technical college; boys who'd know how to show them a good time.

  13. "I wonder how many young women rate men using a similar system?"

    Probably exactly the same percentage. In fact, if the conversation of the schoolgirls who are often on my hometime train is anything to go by, they start younger too!

    "I do despair."

    Me too. I rather expect young female students to be bolshy feminists (I was, at their age) but aren't there supposed to be grown-ups in charge?

    "It's been my observation that the girls get far deeper and dirty when comparing notes..."

    I can testify to that.. ;)

  14. Universities, no longer proud to educate the leaders of the future. But more than happy to nurture the next generation of prudes, bluenoses, snivelling whingers and humourless harridens...

    Not to mention Grasses, informers, Stassi operators, agitators and general shit stirers.

  15. "The behaviour [of the Penguins] was at the extreme end of sexually aggressive...

    THERE they go again, see.

    aggresive MAN, they would not know "aggressive" if it jumped up and bit them in the arse. (Although they would probably remember it)

    Most of todays 0 to 45 year olds give the impression that they could quite happily accept Mahatma Ghandi and Mother bloody Theresa as "Real aggresive types".

    What are they putting in the water of this age group?
