Tuesday 30 March 2010

It's A Bit Late Now, Love...

A Southend councillor is hoping to help Britain's bees by calling on the council to create insect-friendly wild flower areas in the town.
Oh, well, that's a jolly good idea. For once, a councillor is actually doing something sensi...

Waite, what?
Anna Waite, Conservative councillor for St Luke's ward, and executive councillor for transport and planning, is hoping to turn roadside verges in less populated areas of Southend into floral havens.
Anna Waite? This Anna Waite?

The one who has been tearing up every tree and green area in Southend for her 'regeneration' project?
She said: "The loss of bees will have disastrous effects on pollination and food production – but if we can play our small part to help in Southend via some unused areas of land, then that would be excellent."
Now, that's chutzpah!

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