Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Lib Dems: Tough On Crime?

Chris Huhne proves once again that the Lib Dems are never, ever going to be the party of government:
Sentences are getting longer. But it is not working. Reoffending remains sky-high.

Nine out of every 10 young men sentenced to a first short custodial sentence get out of prison and commit more crime.
How about we stop letting them out so quickly, then, Chris?

That’s when we do actually put them behind bars in the first place.
Yet the politics of fear dictates that both the Tories and Labour are pledging to send more people to prison for longer just because it sounds tough.
Err, no, not just because it sounds tough. Because the alternative isn’t working.
Liberal Democrats would not build more prisons. We are the only party brave enough to suggest that rigorous community sentences are more effective than short prison sentences.

Would that be those community punishments that get flouted in a third of instances, Chris?
Instead of posturing on penalties, the Liberal Democrats will focus on proven methods of catching criminals and cutting crime. We will put criminal justice on an evidence-based footing by establishing a National Crime Reduction Agency to test properly what cuts crime.
Another government department..?

That’s your grand plan..?
It will do for policing and criminal justice policy what the National Institute for Clinical Excellence does for the health service.
Oh. Right.

And we can all see what a bang-up job that’s done, can’t we?


  1. I have to admit I started laughing in a somewhat hysterical manner twice while reading that. Are trying to parody themselves or something? Maybe applying for a job writing articles for the Daily Mash and sent it to the wrong address perhaps?

    Why didn't they just say ...

    It will do for policing and criminal justice policy what Ian Huntley has done for janitors

    ... and be done with it?

  2. "It will do for policing and criminal justice policy what the National Institute for Clinical Excellence does for the health service."

    That is priceless.

  3. Of course Huhne is in favour of yet another quango. This one let the LibDems off a very nasty hook indeed.

  4. "Are trying to parody themselves or something? Maybe applying for a job writing articles for the Daily Mash and sent it to the wrong address perhaps?"

    I do wonder how much longer the 'Mash' can keep going...

    "That is priceless."

    Tells you a lot about a person that could write that with no apparent trace of irony...

    "This one let the LibDems off a very nasty hook indeed."

