Saturday 20 March 2010

My Favourite Fakecharity... making demands for the election:
Samantha Mauger, chief executive of Age Concern London, said: "We know the national economic situation will affect local councils, but they still need to deliver services that meet older Londoners' wishes and needs. "
Oh, really?

Perhaps you should have a word with your other branches, then, Samantha. It seems some of them haven't got the message about ensuring that those vital services for older people carry on regardless of the economic situation...

Or is it different when you do it?


  1. Really should stop staying up all night reading and blogging. I read that as Aga Concern London and I just thought how good it was that someone had started a charity, perhaps to make sure people's wood fired ovens were being maintained and serviced properly. What a let down when I read on.

  2. Don't get me going on Age Concern Julia. It's unbelievable that this government funded organisation is called a charity when all they do is conflab with government then announce they're going to lobby them.

    I won't break into a rant.
