Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Open Borders Activists Can’t Even Wait Until The Bodies Are Cold…

Robina Qureshi, director of Positive Action in Housing, a charity that works with refugees and asylum seekers, said it was time for an overhaul of the asylum process. "This case raises serious questions about the way the UK asylum system operates in this country. Members of the public have a right to know if we have a fair asylum system or one which terrorises vulnerable people to the point they would kill themselves.

"We believe the current asylum system is based on the false premise that all asylum seekers are bogus."
Sadly for her, the case – even in these early stages – would not appear to support that conclusion:
A source close to the case said the three were a father, aged 43 and named Serykh, believed to be a former member of the Russian security services, a mother, and a son in his early 20s. The source said it was a highly unusual case.
I’ll say. It gets better.
The family are said to have been trying to claim asylum in the UK from Canada, which had reportedly given them leave to stay but had denied them citizenship. They are said to have first arrived in the UK in November 2007 and came to Glasgow in autumn last year.
Hmmm, not exactly fleeing some war-torn hellhole, then.

Unless ‘Due South’ was lying to me for all those years, anyway….
The source said the family had been in Canada from November 2000 to November 2007 before travelling through Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland to the UK, where they initially lived in Brent in north London. The source said the family had made a series of wild claims about the Canadian government.
It gets stranger and stranger, doesn’t it?

Anyone want to bet this case turns out to be less about asylum, and more about the lack of mental health screening?

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