Monday, 8 March 2010

RSPCA Again...

...because obviously, they feel they haven't made themselves unpopular enough yet:
The RSPCA has started an appeal five months after losing a court battle over a £2m estate left to it in a will.
Yup, it's the Dr Gill case again.
A spokeswoman said the RSPCA's trustees had decided to appeal after "careful consideration", because "they wish to see Mrs Gill's wishes, as expressed in her will, given effect".
In other words, to hell with what this judge has decided, let's take another roll of the dice. After all, it's only beneficiaries money, right?

And they've decided that there's stength in numbers, like all pirates and bandits:
In a joint statement with the Charities Aid Foundation, Great Ormond Street Hospital and the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association the RSPCA said: "This case has been troubling for many charities, and we are very concerned at its possible implications for the charity sector.

"It is unacceptable for charity trustees to be caught between the legal duty to secure assets to which the charity is entitled and the threat of huge legal costs being imposed for attempting to do so.

"It is crucial that this matter is finally settled, one way or the other, so charities can be more certain of the legal landscape, and can plan accordingly.
It already has been 'finally settled', by the judge's order. The fact that you can appeal doesn't mean you have to...
"This case also highlights how important it is for people thinking of leaving money to charity in their will to inform those closest to them of their wishes during their lifetime."
Oh, indeed. In fact, you need to make absolutely certain, when drawing up your will, that you ensure that your relatives know that, should the greedy scum decide you should pony up some of your bequest to pay their tax, they should fight them all the way.

One can only hope, when the Gill appeal is heard, that it comes before Mr Justice Peter Smith...


  1. I am amazed, it is just like HSUS and PETA going after the Leona Hemsley estate in the USA. Wants "to see wishes expressed". Do you really believe they care about wishes of anyone? It is all about the money!

  2. It's one of those spurious arguments: we oppose cruelty to animals therefore we are morally in the right and therefore you are wrong to oppose us.

    It's not a new idea - see Matthew 12.30 (or Luke 11.23)

  3. You'd think the Guide Dogs for the Blind would have shown them the path to take.

  4. "Do you really believe they care about wishes of anyone? It is all about the money!"

    No. And yes!

    "It's one of those spurious arguments: we oppose cruelty to animals therefore we are morally in the right and therefore you are wrong to oppose us."


    "You'd think the Guide Dogs for the Blind would have shown them the path to take."

