Friday 19 March 2010


So, what has a week's enforced confinement taught me? Hmm, let's see:
  • I make a lousy invalid (though I already knew that).
  • Modern packaging isn't designed to suit the needs of people with less than the optimal number of fully operational limbs.
  • But with persistance, you can get into almost anything. And for those few options when persistance fails you, a large carving knife will always do the job.
  • Forget about man's best friend being a dog. It's an iPhone, which does everything I currently need to do to communicate or amuse myself and can even be charged one-handed. Which given the lousy battery life when you are browsing or playing music or video constantly, is just as well.
  • Buying hardbacks instead of paperbacks seems a good idea at the time, but when your book-holding hand is reduced to a teeny-tiny Tyrannosaur hand in a sling, they are damned hard to hold.
  • While reading books on the iPhone doesn't appeal unless you are stuck on a train with no other option, watching currently-unavailable US shows on it very much does! Cheers, BitTorrent!
  • When you are alone in the house watching serial killer shenanigans with your headphones on (it makes the sound work better somehow) it's going to make you jump when two Siamese decide to start a mad game of chase behind you. Yes, even if you know the doors are locked, and it's broad daylight.
  • German isn't supposed to be easy on the ear when sung, but when you have an Internet translation and plenty of time on your hands to copy that to the iTunes tracks, it's pretty damn good. Or maybe Jim Steinman can make anything sound good.
I never thought I'd say this, though, but I actually miss work...


  1. I wonder if that is one situation in which the iPad will come in handy... books (at least, paperbacks) are damned difficult to hold open with one hand when in a cast, or eating, or drinking, or - well, any time your other hand is in use.

    Yeah, I could see myself reading while eating if I had one of them.

  2. I have to say you're doing very well at getting a decent amount of blogging in spite of everything. This is the sound of one hand clapping.

  3. German's pretty monotonous when spoken but I find it can be very beautiful indeed when sung.

    Gute Besserung, as they say in Germany.

  4. Oh I missed the revelation of your injury, so here is a belated get well soon.

  5. maybe Jim Steinman can make anything sound good.


  6. it's going to make you jump when two Siamese decide to start a mad game of chase behind you

    It's the price you pay for live-in help, I'm afraid.

  7. I too missed the medical drama, so here's a get well soon message and a what happened?

    I gather an issue with a wing Julia? You should talk with my dad. After years of him telling me to stop smoking and me telling him to stop throwing himself off mountains with sticks tied to his feet I have yet to get a smoking related disease however he has been intolerable since shattering his shoulder somewhere in Switzerland.

    At first I had thought it quite serious, talk of amputation and joint replacement still a year on and several operations and he's still got two arms and I believe he can still hold a phone and a pint at the same time. He apparently has a new and extra office assistant for note taking purposes or at least that’s what he says she does all day.

    I'm off to replace my joint but will not require a surgeon, thinks, have never bothered to learn how to roll one handed and wonders if its because machines are just less hassle than learning pointless tricks bit like snow mobiles.

  8. think also, why is it that animals seem to cope so much better than us frail humans with injury?

  9. question about missing work, is it the money you miss or the effort?

    I have always believed that the definition of work is effort in exchange for money and rebuffed any idea of retirement or a benefits scheme. I work, they pay then I go home and figure out how to spend it as quickly as possible. I once dated a girl at the office but she was my boss and I felt cheap.

  10. You can't possibly have me believe you work for charity or are anun Julia?!?

  11. Seriously, get well soon and remember, if it don’t kill ya then it’s just another day of challenges

  12. "I wonder if that is one situation in which the iPad will come in handy..."

    I'd think so - if light enough to balance easily one-handed.

    "This is the sound of one hand clapping."


    "..but I find it can be very beautiful indeed when sung."

    Yes, I was surprised by that too.

    " is a belated get well soon."



    Oooh, you must be a little bit psychic, PC... ;)

  13. "It's the price you pay for live-in help, I'm afraid."

    Heh! If only. I should have bought a monkey instead...

    "'s a get well soon message and a what happened?"

    Like an idiot, I tripped on a wet patch of pavement and rolled to the side as I fell to protect my shopping. Fractured the top of my humerous, which on reflaction, was not as good an outcome as squashed shopping would have been...

    "think also, why is it that animals seem to cope so much better than us frail humans with injury?"

    They have no problems sitting around immobile all day, so long as someone feeds them? ;)

    "..if it don’t kill ya then it’s just another day of challenges"

    Oh, indeed!

  14. They have no problems sitting around immobile all day, so long as someone feeds them? ;)

    You're getting confused with politicians again.

  15. stupid pavement, who put that there and hurrah for shopping although it failed miserably in its effort how wonderful that it though to dive like a presidential bodyguard to try and save you from harm

    The moral of the story is of course that all politicians are in fact animals and we love you Julia
