Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Spirit Of Cynthia Payne Lives On!

There's just something quintessentially English about this story:
Police arrived with battering rams to raid the home but a plain clothes officer knocked on the door and the residents let him in thinking he had an appointment.
Can't have been the uniform that did it, though, he was plainclothes...
The sex 'dungeon' was found in a converted first floor room filled with hundreds of items including whips, gas masks, wooden bats, handcuffs, clothes pegs and shackles.

Police also discovered bondage chairs with straps, straight jackets, sex toys, gimp masks, S&M outfits, shackles, cattle prods and car batteries used to power the toys.

The dungeon was also stuffed with 'various electrical vibrating' items and a recording studio complete with computer equipment and mixing desk.
Which means it comes as no surprise that the police raid didn't faze the clientele one little bit:
During the raid, one customer arrived at the home and still asked for his appointment to go ahead despite the large police presence.
I expect they'd have charged him extra for it, if they could!
Detective Sergeant Stuart Gilroy of Devon and Cornwall police said officers made the 'startling' discovery last Friday afternoon.

He said: 'We were surprised to uncover this to say the very least. Upon searching the house we found a room set up as a dungeon.

'It's fair to say we were not expecting to find a masochistic dungeon in sleepy Lee Mill. You don't expect to find this sort of thing anywhere.'
Oh, what a sheltered life you must have led, Detective Sergeant..!

And naturally, the less amusing side of the English takes a bow towards the end of this story too:
A 38-year-old man from Lee Mill, a 21-year-old woman from Ivybridge, Devon, and a 24-year-old woman from Plymouth have been arrested in connection with the incident.
I wonder what for?
One neighbour said: 'It might sound funny but to be honest we are nervous about the place.

'There's been cars coming and going at night and all sorts of men arriving at weird hours.

'I've seen traffic jams caused by people trying to go there. It's disgusting. We just want them out and have a nice family move in.'
Yes, because 'nice families' don't do dreadful things with other consenting adults behind closed doors, do they?

I can, frankly, think of far worse neighbours to have!


  1. Oh sh*t - there goes my last bit of entertainment then! First fags, then booze, now consensual BDSM.

    And I was just thinking of having a whip-round to pay them a visit!

    Will no-one save us from this righteous bunch?

  2. The Spirit Of Cynthia Payne Lives On!

    Er, Bognor's most infamous is not yet dead.

    Not sure what your point is at the end there. Whatever sordid activities you might think "nice families" get up to it shouldn't create traffic chaos for the neighbours surely?

  3. 'There's been cars coming and going at night and all sorts of men arriving at weird hours.'

    Poor lady, I think she got a little mixed up.

    Did she mean that, or did she mean "weird men arriving at all sorts of hours"?

    Or "There's been men coming and (then) going..."

  4. Got to be honest, I'd rather live next to a nutter who collects pallets and dog food tins than a brothel.

    Just my opinion, mind!

  5. What has the behavour of what consenting adults do in private to do with the police?

    What law has been broken?

    Why was police time wasted on this?

    WTF is going on in this country?

    Police state - for sure.

  6. What's the difference between police handcuffs & the restraining-gear in the house?

    Is there much difference between a jail & a dungeon?

    The alleged actions at Guantanamo seem not a million-miles from the experiences provided at that house.

  7. Joe Public.

    The difference is in the word 'consenual". The people in prison, suffering police handcuffs, or in Guantanamo bay are not consenting to their situation; the people who indulge in BDSM are.
    The latter can stop and go home as, and when, they wish to.
    Why should we be antilibertarian, just because we do not like it?
    The only harm that they do is to themselves.

  8. Sex dungeon or new detention facility?

  9. "Er, Bognor's most infamous is not yet dead."

    She's not? I could have sworn she was!

    "Whatever sordid activities you might think "nice families" get up to it shouldn't create traffic chaos for the neighbours surely?"

    No, that can't be much fun. Perhaps they could come on bikes?

    And I'm sure they would, if they took the saddles off... ;)

    "The alleged actions at Guantanamo seem not a million-miles from the experiences provided at that house."

    Albeit with a far better climate...

  10. In mid-1980's Cockney rhyming slang, a cane was known as a 'Cynthia'.

    I'm told you canm still hear it on East End allotments to this day.

  11. @JuliaM,

    'Perhaps they could come on bikes?'

    It's the cobblestones, I believe.


    'I'm told you canm still hear it on East End allotments to this day.'

    Would that be the accent, or the expression? Enquiring minds want to know. Perhaps the won't have to travel to Devon?

  12. Lee Mills is a transport and distribution depot, hence the traffic jams; blimey, it's only just down the road and I missed out on the action. As you say, sheltered life.
