Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Suddenly, Everyone’s Camera Shy…

…even the humble traffic warden:
Victor Adeleye, aged 45, from Tooting, admitted common assault when he appeared at Bromley Magistrates’ Court on Friday (February 26).
An angry motorist?

No, he was a passerby:
Adeleye was working for Bromley Council’s parking contractor, Vinci Park Services, at the time and had just ticketed a car parked illegally.

The court heard pedestrian Mr McCullough, 35, was unhappy about Adeleye’s actions and began taking pictures of the traffic warden.
Not realising he could have summoned help from a PCSO by shrieking about the threat of ‘terrorism’, Mr Adeleye took a more direct route.
Adeleye then hit Mr McCullough’s hand with his ticket machine.
Oh, dear…
The traffic warden was given a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered to pay £250 costs and £30 compensation to Mr McCullough, who claimed his mobile phone had been damaged.

Mr McCullough said outside court: “I’m pleased with the result. It’s about principles.”
I’d be a lot more pleased if I didn’t think that Mr Adelaye will go right on being a traffic warden….


  1. So we are left to assume that the Victor in this incident is he who carries on battering, er ticketing drivers?

  2. You said "I’d be a lot more pleased if I didn’t think that Mr Adelaye will go right on being a traffic warden"

    I suspect that in the council's eyes the only thing he did wrong was get caught. They KNOW it's illegal to photograph their staff - on matter what the law might saw.

  3. It is a sign of a failing dictatorship, when their enforcers are scared to be photographed, due to the impending threat of being called to account.

  4. It's odd, isn't it, that some people who wear uniforms don't like having their photograph taken - when they're filmed on CCTV all the time, and are also provided with cameras so they can supply evidence and proof of misdemeanours.

  5. "So we are left to assume that the Victor in this incident is he who carries on battering, er ticketing drivers?"

    It looks very much like it, doesn't it?

    "I suspect that in the council's eyes the only thing he did wrong was get caught. They KNOW it's illegal to photograph their staff - on matter what the law might saw."

    The law is for the little people, not for them.

    "It's odd, isn't it, that some people who wear uniforms don't like having their photograph taken - when they're filmed on CCTV all the time, and are also provided with cameras so they can supply evidence and proof of misdemeanours."

    The gander doesn't seem to much like the sauce the geese has got used to, it's true....

  6. Any news about whether the criminal is still in post?
