Saturday 27 March 2010

They Seek Her Here, They Seek Her There...

New Cross ward councillor Madeliene Long is a member of Lewisham Council’s safer stronger communities select committee, which scrutinises the council's crime reduction policies to make boroughs safer.

But since joining the committee in April last year, the Labour councillor has not attended any of its seven meetings.
Attend a meeting in New Cross? Are you mad?

Don't you know it's not safe for a woman to walk the streets!


  1. Remember "On the Buses?". She looks like Olive!

  2. I know strictly speaking that this has nothing to do with what you have written but it reminded me about something that happened to me many years ago when I was MD of a company and the kind of antics councilors get up to, incidentally they were also Labour councilors. What happened was my business was housed on a site that was getting too small so I arranged to move to a larger site but that required planning permission for change of use. The application was refused on the grounds it could lead to greater use of the road outside the site by heavy vehicles. Nothing strange in that you say, well the site was in the same road as the original site, next door in fact and both sites were within the same industrial complex. Permission was of course eventually given but the extra financial cost and effort was high not borne by the council I may add.

  3. Not that I have any time for people like her but maybe she really quickly worked out what a waste of time, paper, breath etc these meetings actually are. Held every so often, minutes circulated actions given out, never ever completed, requests, sorry DEMANDS for empowerment classes, along with DJ / human beatbox classes, workshops, grants blah, blah blah and there's always that enormousMAMMOTH in the room - RACE. Everyone tying themselves up in knots whilst walking on eggshells. Municipal socilaism at its finest. Safer, Stronger Communities......MY ARSE! I wonder how Belgravia feels today after the knife batle of Victoria Station? A meeting anyone?

  4. "Nothing strange in that you say, well the site was in the same road as the original site, next door in fact and both sites were within the same industrial complex."

    *sigh* Local government at its finest...

    "...maybe she really quickly worked out what a waste of time, paper, breath etc these meetings actually are. "

    A distinct possibility, but she's being paid to represent her constituents, so she should do so!

  5. True, but (a) she's 'Labour' and (b)there's nothing to suggest she's in Canada, Australia or elsewhere like others with responsibility.

    and several more over the years.

    Whether she attends or not makes not the slightest difference to young black boyz 'n' men slaughtering each other with guns or knives
